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Search results

  1. cava83

    Snow Leopard - 28th August

    One of the major reasons for upgrading is the exchange functionality in mail........ work emails, calendar, contacts and so on. Entourage was very buggy and threw random errors all the time. It's not just x64 leopard as it has all been re-written and lots of old legacy stuff removed. The...
  2. cava83

    Mac Desktops

    Nice!! What size screen is it ?
  3. cava83

    IT business continuity plan

    McBunny and Darren S, Thank you for your info, Yes, I am a techie bod, however, small company, thus normally do a lot more.... no problem. So for both of you, are your DR and business continuity plans different? McBunny, this appears to be the case for you. Was going to break it...
  4. cava83

    IT business continuity plan

    Disaster recovery plans are done, they were made by our risk management department. Business continuity does not sound like fun, found some ok articles but wanted to see examples so to speak. Thanks for your input, G.
  5. cava83

    IT business continuity plan

    Hi, Do any of you guys have one you've made? Need to write one, wanted to see a couple of examples, if you don't mind, Any info kindly appreciated, Thanks, G.
  6. cava83

    iPhone + Drunken Night Out = Fail

    How did it go? Did you use 3.0 or 3.0.1?
  7. cava83

    Emails through a server

  8. cava83

    Boot camp on a mac

    only if you are doing something which isn't too intensive and you have a good enough spec.
  9. cava83

    Mac Book Pro Case

    Read up on quicksilver, I find it fantastic.
  10. cava83

    Buying iphone on pay and go...

    I bought a 3GS from the apple store a couple of days ago, 16gb pay as you go, one guy was trying to force me to do a £10 top up. Was trying to say I needed it in order to active the phone. Quickly told him to shut up. £440.
  11. cava83

    Website marketing

    Good tips on here. Nice site too, well done. :)
  12. cava83

    CS4 Flash people.....

    Welcome, used to love Flash, good toy. :)
  13. cava83

    CS4 Flash people.....

    Perfect example :)
  14. cava83

    WSUS - updates not being pushed to clients?

    Exactly, should be a local system account, I must have missed something out. Any chance of someone noting down what GP settings they created and applied so I can cross check mine? Thanks for all the help in advanced, hopefully someone can benefit from this at a later date. Thanks,
  15. cava83

    WSUS - updates not being pushed to clients?

    For instance, today as a test purpose, at 12.00 but they did not install. If I try to install the updates locally as a normal user, I get the following message; "[Error number: 0x8DDD0002] To install updates from this website, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of...
  16. cava83

    WSUS - updates not being pushed to clients?

    Cool, Found the issue, it's the permissions. Basically, the downloads are ready to be installed, but are not installed as the user is not part of the local administrator group. I don't want them to be part of that group. Any suggestions? Some people on here mentioned they have...
  17. cava83

    Panasonic Phone IP phone system assistance

    Hi, All sorted, Solution, get an external company to sort it out. The guy understood everything straight away, made excellent recommendations. Thanks for looking :)
  18. cava83

    Technet Subscribers

    I still haven't got mine, have you got it yet or waiting for it to come through? Thanks,
  19. cava83

    Panasonic Phone IP phone system assistance

    Hi, Anyone familiar with the KX-TD1232 model? We have purchased a business in Essex, unfortunately they don't have a company who supports it, sadly, the IT guy in there doesn't know too much on how to use it, I don't either. I need to reprogram some DDI's, can anyone help on here? I...
  20. cava83

    iMac 24"

    Just flirt with a lady colleague.
  21. cava83

    WSUS - updates not being pushed to clients?

    No previous versions of sql on server when this was installed. Just using the standard DB SUSDB.mdf No machines are cloned. :) Thanks for everyone's help, very much appreciated.
  22. cava83

    FAO Business telephony geeks

    Any ideas in regards to cost and installation? Say one office 500 and 10 basic phones?
  23. cava83

    WSUS - updates not being pushed to clients?

    wsus is on a single server. server has nothing else installed but spiceworks. wsus is on the default port 80 as it's just easier. spiceworks is on another port. wsus is reporting, i.e x amount require certain updates and so on. There are thousands of updates, lots are not applicable as they...
  24. cava83

    WSUS - updates not being pushed to clients?

    Hi, yes, I know I can run wuauclt.exe /detectnow but I have around 50 machines in the office, can't be bothered to go round all of them whilst the users are doing work. gpupdate /force was implemented last night, machines should not require a restart in order to pick it up. Really annoying :)
  25. cava83

    WSUS - updates not being pushed to clients?

    Hi, Installed WSUS, downloaded all the required updates, server is ok. WSUS can see all the desktops. I have created a GP rule that uses the WSUS server for updates and a schedule. The blasted updates are not being pushed to the desktops. I have approved quite a few, I have also ensured...
  26. cava83

    Domain "regular user" rights

    Domain admins, do have rights. Some programs do require higher rights, however, I don't want to give them local administrator rights for the regular users. What would be the best way to give users those "higher rights" without being a local admin, could just create a power users group and...
  27. cava83

    Domain "regular user" rights

    MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cool. I am messing around with Spiceworks, just having issues with getting data of some machines. Think it's linked with the RPC error and so on from before,
  28. cava83

    Domain "regular user" rights

    Hi guys, Just wondering how you go about this, By default, all the users are locked down through the default domain policy, so they can't re-start services and simple things such as that. Do you guys have them this locked down, or do you give them certain rights, some people just add...
  29. cava83

    RPC 1722 error

    Cheers Daz. :) Will have a look.
  30. cava83

    RPC 1722 error

    Yes they are, all on IE7. All machines on XP SP2, so don't understand why some are ok and some are not. Most of the machines have been rebuilt, so not quite sure why the config differs. I am confused.