Proper job!
new case easy fix
design fail
We're you having a night out on top of the empire state building when you dropped it?
same as my bros... his still work Apple charge £80
Ouch... What did you do to it to cause that much damage?
this scares me taking my out
least you came home with yours, i woke up without mine last sundayfirst time i have ever lost a phone too
ouch unlucky. hope u have insurance dude.
ouch unlucky. hope u have insurance dude.
Think I might insure mine now. £440 is a lot to lose
i didnt
did a bit of buying/selling to get a cheaper replacement though:
Bought barred 3g - £130
Sold to some bloke in germany + £220
Bought new one in uk -£240
so cost me £150 in the end, not too bad and it will be insured this time
i didnt
did a bit of buying/selling to get a cheaper replacement though:
Bought barred 3g - £130
Sold to some bloke in germany + £220
Bought new one in uk -£240
so cost me £150 in the end, not too bad and it will be insured this time
I now have a nice new 16GB 3GS on my desk. Will jailbreak it tonight.
was the old one jailbroken when you sent it back to 02?