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  1. cava83

    TV Question

    Samsungs new panels are excellent, really, really good, the new processors can generate better blacks, in fact, I would go as far to say as it is black rather than grey! Colour reproduction is excellent!! I would defo go for that one.
  2. cava83

    Dreamweaver PHP preview setup

    furry, I use mamp, that will be helpful for your mac :)
  3. cava83

    PHP includes. Help

    The way I do it is split it into 3. header.php index.php footer.php Header would include the CSS file. index.php would obviously be replaced by each page......... The easiest way I find is to create one page, then say, ok this top bit is going to ALWAYS* be the same, that will be the...
  4. cava83

    remote desktop question

    add the local user to the administrator group then it should work. (not the correct way of doing it, but on a normal household this is the easiest way)
  5. cava83

    PS3 fan....

    I have a cabinet with all my AV stuff in it. The PS3 is on it's own shelf, has 7.5cm either side of free space, 6cm on the top + 10cm on the back. The fan comes on after 5 minutes, does anyone else's do this? Thanks p.s streaming media, eye connnect will not play avi's or xvid's, the media...
  6. cava83

    Citrix Presentation Server 4.5

    call customer services, aslong as the licenses are associated with your company, they will send you the CD's?
  7. cava83

    willy waving thread - what's ya latest gadgets you've bought?

    do you regret getting it ? Was looking at buying one today, but could not get a full demo, not sure wether to get one or a classic for my train journeys.
  8. cava83

    how do i transfer files from pc to ps3 ???

    I use something called eyeconnect :D But it's not playing my AVI's or Xvid's at the moment unfortunately.
  9. cava83

    Freelance Graphic, Web, Designy, anyone..

    register the domain in their name and you ONLY as the technical contact :)
  10. cava83

    Just got me MacBook!!!

    Furry, sorry, just updated msn, did not add you properly those weeks ago..... Quicksilver is a great program, finds everything quickly, i use it mainly for programs :D i.e if you need something quickly which is not on your doc, you can use quicksilver to get it quickly :) Many more things....
  11. cava83

    Just got me MacBook!!!

    add me on msn u turkey
  12. cava83

    Just got me MacBook!!!

    I quite like quicksilver too, really handy :)
  13. cava83

    External Hard Drive - Wireless

    That's OTT :P
  14. cava83

    External Hard Drive - Wireless

    Where did I say NAS is new ;) Anyhow, yap, wireless = pooh. On average, most work networks are a gig.
  15. cava83

    External Hard Drive - Wireless

    Best way to do it really :) NAS basically
  16. cava83

    quick php form code help

    how did you go about it ? I normally just do style:visibility=hidden.
  17. cava83

    Two Hard Drives

    have you turned the second drive to a primary and your main drive as a slave :D
  18. cava83

    Active Directory, GPO + Navision.

    Takes a long time to learn things, specially if you are trying to learn programming languages, networking and a whole load of things all at the same time. :) Well done ;)
  19. cava83

    Active Directory, GPO + Navision.

    too advanced for me, not at that level.
  20. cava83

    adding multiple email addresses on contact 8310

    she is a mum, cannot comment, lovely lady !!! No luck, gash !
  21. cava83

    adding multiple email addresses on contact 8310

    How do you go about this? I have a client that needs more than one email address for each contact she adds on her blackberry 8310. Now, I know this can be done on the others, but the menu option is not available for this? Any ideas?
  22. cava83

    New laptop.... so slooooooow!!! Vista?

    Nope, that's not a problem, I am sure he has a friend that will have one. The problem is we do not know if it is the internet line or Vista having the issue. So we need to eliminate as much as we can to find out what the issue is
  23. cava83

    New laptop.... so slooooooow!!! Vista?

    I am not too sure, just remove all the crap. I have a mac, and the webpages open quicker on a PC that they do on my mac which is well annoying. Have you done some research on google on this ? Have you got all the correct settings, firewall not being gay ? Things like that. First of all...
  24. cava83

    New laptop.... so slooooooow!!! Vista?

    AOl actually are pretty good, really good in fact, only if you DO NOT user their software :)
  25. cava83

    flash help please

    Where is the file ? :) am I being blind ?
  26. cava83

    flash help please

    send me the file you turkey, I will do it for you and comment it. Or even better, attach the example here
  27. cava83

    flash help please

    Conteo my friend, I don't know if you know about this website. I personally find video tutorials extremely easy to follow. :)
  28. cava83

    flash help please

    what revels just said is perfect, the alternative is using AS
  29. cava83

    New mobile phone - smart one

    os has to be windows mobile, without a doubt!
  30. cava83

    Google Maps Help

    Yap, with the new version you can have multiple mapplets on a single page, excellent. Just trying to get google maps sorted on a new website, quite annoying. Guy next to me is a genius, has no issues coding, tries things first time and always works, I want to smack him round the head!