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  1. cava83

    Loud PS3 fan?

    cabinet, but open. Laying flat, 5cm either side of space, top is 7.5cm, not closed, rear enclosed, just on DVD's, annoying, really annoying. Don't know what to do with it, :(
  2. cava83

    Loud PS3 fan?

    My PS3 is well loud when watching movies, anyone else find this?
  3. cava83

    does anyone code html emails?

    not a lot of email editors read CSS propertly, rule of thumb is tables.
  4. cava83


    explain this to me ? So you don't have to be on the contract, you can just buy it for £269? Sorry, not quite sure what you mean here.
  5. cava83


    Oh dear, did not realise you could do it after 6 months, even applicable for the iphone contracts? Damn!!
  6. cava83

    how much is this macbook pro worth?

    before the core duo ? Core duo was the first model, then the core 2 duo came out which don't run as hot ......
  7. cava83


    yer, IMAP, true. but does not work properly according to some forums, not too sure, cannot comment as I don't have one. 3G, of course it's good, quicker than Edge, would make a huge difference in speed performance. Such a handy phone, really enjoyed using it on Saturday at the mac store. It's...
  8. cava83


    damn your making me want one now, might just wait til the end of the month and go to france! Wonder what Iphone2 will be like, 3G would be a huge requirement for me and also push email.
  9. cava83

    how do you guys RDC many machines on a FW?

    yer it's handy :) however, the system is all messed up and so untidy. what they want is to have dumb terminals implemented throughout the group, well, that's what the IT manager wanted before he left. One office uses a workgroup, no server, no AD nothing. The other office uses windows 2003...
  10. cava83

    how do you guys RDC many machines on a FW?

    cheers Daz, will do it tomorrow :) Have to do a quote for 65 new users whoooooooop
  11. cava83

    how do you guys RDC many machines on a FW?

    hard one this is.
  12. cava83

    how do you guys RDC many machines on a FW?

    the way it's set up at the moment is the FW forwards the port to the internal IP of each machine..... i.e > > however, this is not tidy, opens 10 ports up = less safe. I have 15 ip's, 13 spare, but don't want to go down...
  13. cava83

    how do you guys RDC many machines on a FW?

    have a sonic firewall and have 10 users who need to RDC to their machines. How would you go about it ?
  14. cava83

    website building progs

    what's css?
  15. cava83

    anyone familiar with Joomla??

    Coudnt get it working, mind you did not try too hard. How did you go about it.?
  16. cava83

    anyone familiar with Joomla??

    soz for the delay ..... Will have a look when I get a moment, been busy, being strange, normally you just add the menu, then the component should automatically update the menu component.... Will have a look :D
  17. cava83

    First mac...Mini/Macbook/iMac

    er, you can have an extended desktop, or duplicated desktop :) You could do that on your macbook, no problem
  18. cava83

    anyone familiar with Joomla??

    shite, it ain't working for me, let me have a look.
  19. cava83

    mental block Flash/Actionscript 2.0

    nope :) Try it out, you're a clever lad :) cannot just provide you the answer. Look at the onClick method
  20. cava83

    First mac...Mini/Macbook/iMac

    Extended desktop, of course it's possible. What I meant is, I would like 2 use external monitors with my macbook pro, but this is only possible with a special adaptor which is £180. Macbook, or macbook pro the way to go ! You will like it
  21. cava83

    anyone familiar with Joomla??

    yap, what's up ?
  22. cava83

    First mac...Mini/Macbook/iMac

    any mac is good. Depends whether you will be using it outside your room. I like having a laptop as I move around a bit and can use it in the livingroom and so on. Issue with a macbook is you can only have one external monitor* (not including laptop screen) I personally like a dual setup...
  23. cava83

    mental block Flash/Actionscript 2.0

    clickable txt. Turn the text into a MC, I do MC's for everything. Then use the MC.onClick sequence to open a URL.
  24. cava83

    Java (using Object)

    I used BlueJ, it's one of many compilers, what you trying to do? there are some books, but could never find any online tutorials....
  25. cava83

    Adobe Web Premium CS3 on a Mac

    but you're gay
  26. cava83

    Gmail Users, IMAP is here.

    too much gayness
  27. cava83

    shure e2c

    erm, apologies, £30 is not bad :)
  28. cava83

    shure e2c

    EC3's are well expensive though.....
  29. cava83

    shure e2c

    a lot of people go to the CX 300's
  30. cava83

    PHP includes. Help

    Did it work ?