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Freelance Graphic, Web, Designy, anyone..

  306 TD Slut
I have been doing this site for a personal client and am getting to the final stages of completion.

Regarding the domain and hosting package, Do i pay for that myself and just stick their contact details in, i dont want to be contacted every year when the hosting runs out as it will be nothing to do with me, unless requested to do so by the client.

how do you normally do it?

  14' Leon Cupra 280
If you were designing and hosting quite a few websites a reseller account would be good with a number of companies. If it's a one off and you're not too bothered about profit on it, then just register it all in their name. Some companies register it themselves so the client never receives any costing, then can charge A LOT more for it.

I'd just register both with
  306 TD Slut
thanks, the later option of registering myself sounds good, however i have already quoted for the job including hosting and domain, would be cheeky to whack it up, i will keep that in mind!

I will get him to do it, only problem is, he is not in anyway, computer literate! lol!


  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
got any sneeky peeks at the site?

wouldnt mind see'ing other peoples work :)
  A4 Avant
I've only created one website for someone who paid. I visited them and talked them through setting the account up themselves and I just copied down the account details.

That way theres no comeback on you if they forget in a years time or anything similar.
  306 TD Slut
Nigel, i have proposed this option to him, then when their hosting package expires its up to them, and from then onwards i have no contact with them unless requested.

SamboRT, I will post it up once its finished, its still in the passworded client folder at the moment.

Fingers crossed it will be within the next couple of weeks once they pull the draft to pieces.
