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  1. cava83

    Raid configurations

    What do you guys like to implement as a safe, robust solution. I always liked Raid 5 however, reading more on it, it seems there are alternative solutions. Thoughts please. HP servers. £600 budget (sucks I know) Discs will be running exchange, special apps and docs.
  2. cava83

    The iPhone thread

    where do you get the roms from ? Also, have you guy managed to use it as an external HD yet?
  3. cava83

    Blackberry with pay-as-you-go Sim?

  4. cava83

    Cheapest place to buy Mac Pro?

    refurbs from the mac store ?
  5. cava83

    Unistalling programs on a mac?

    Thanks for the info snOOp very helpful. :)
  6. cava83

    Unistalling programs on a mac?

    put the icon into the rubbish bin...... that un-installs it* Macs dont have registry's like windows.
  7. cava83

    website making companies

    furry is gay
  8. cava83

    website making companies

    Both very nice websites, specially moveme. I wonder if it was created from scratch or if it was an off the shelf package heavily customised.
  9. cava83

    Help. I have bought a domain to replace old one...

    not if it's re-directed to the new one. Best thing is to put a timer. i.e this domain has now moved to xxxxxxx you will be re-directed in 5 seconds
  10. cava83

    movies on ipod nano

    google or use the search facility on here.
  11. cava83

    which desktop.

    £1300 for basic computer requirements? You're mad, a £400 comp would suit your requirements. If that.
  12. cava83

    website making companies

    Best of luck :)
  13. cava83

    So ive just installed vista......

    Have you got the right drivers? That makes a huge difference, in regards to performance.
  14. cava83

    So ive just installed vista......

    The issue is that Vista is so resource intensive, you need quite a beefed up computer for it to "fly" which is a shame!
  15. cava83


    I like to ping women.
  16. cava83


    Can i ping you ? Is that ghetto speech ? mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  17. cava83


    Ping pong. Furry does have the knowledge, the problem is he's a turkey eye ! Ping ping
  18. cava83


    There are a lot of good designers on here. I say support the community. I'm shite*, so that counts me out ;) Furry Muff I mean cup, KDF, Adams (even though he is very busy) plus many more :)
  19. cava83


    by pass the cache and see if it works.
  20. cava83


    they both work. implement re-directs to fix these problems, ideally, you want all the traffic to point to one location, which ever you want the default to be. For example point to etc
  21. cava83


    its working for me. is fine, pings could be turned off. works fine. Different servers. Ideally, you should not replicate a website, as you can get pinalised by google. Re-directs should be implemented. You need to redo your menu on the left...
  22. cava83

    The iPhone thread

    iphone as external disk? Free application ? I also want to sync on two machines, but I cant :(
  23. cava83

    20" monitor recommendations?

    Nice toys !!! :) Iphone or Itouch. TomTom 520? Jammy git.
  24. cava83

    20" monitor recommendations?

    To be honest. From using 2 x 16:9 monitors is not too bad, basic £20 G/card can cope. However, if I could do it again, I would have 4:3, this is only due to me doing work stuff and not movies. It's things like RDC and so on which annoy me as you have to force them to be 16:9
  25. cava83

    The iPhone thread

    it's this link that doesnt work. And some of the others which are on this page.
  26. cava83

    The iPhone thread

    Oh i see, you go through another way. :) Fine, that works perfectly. Shall I upgrade to 1.1.4? I want exchange and flash.!!
  27. cava83

    20" monitor recommendations?

    Hi G, Lovely monitors, I love Samsungs, I have 2 x L2045W's, good screens, good stands too. Thanks, G.
  28. cava83

    The iPhone thread

    whats happened to the ziphone site? I cannot download ziphone, none of the links work. Thinking of upgrading to 1.1.4 Many thanks, G.
  29. cava83

    Which upgrade phone to get & sell on ?

    its easier to sell unbranded phones, I dont mean by the s/w but the casing itself, i.e orange normally whack their logo on all of them.