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  1. W

    esco in Leyland

    I was the lovely shiny willy 3 :D
  2. W

    Williams in Preston, lancs

    oooh er.... i dunno about the sexy bit but yea its mine :) Who was you with at MUK? CBP?
  3. W

    Williams in Preston, lancs

    Was me Mish you saw at deepdale :) Was sorting a couple of favors out for a mate. I was at MUK just only arrived at 3pm and left by 4:30PM :( hehe
  4. W

    216BHP Clio is done

    If only i could drive.... :( I would be down there in a flash, ah well not to worry friday is nigh :)
  5. W

    Lowered and Engine Pics- Valver

    I doubt ill have a license by then, in court on thursday due to speeding. Erm if i still have a license then yea id be up for it. If not then ermmmm no. :(
  6. W

    Lowered and Engine Pics- Valver

    heheh nice pics! it does look mint. I would keep those valver wheels to keep it original! Even tho the mailto:sl@g">sl@g wheeeels would look pr0n!
  7. W

    Williams in Leyland

    Ta mish u got any pics of your car? Just so i know what to look for. :)
  8. W

    Williams in Leyland

    lol Martin Spin king as in losing control or the reverse donut i did at FCS? :) I have a habbit of both ;)
  9. W

    Williams in Leyland

    Cool... yea my mates all live in leyland so am up there quite a bit... one lives in fulwood too so am trekkin around that area too... Will more than likely bump into each other at some point. Roads in leyland can be pretty fun at times, just gotta be careful cos poilce are around quite a bit...
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    Williams in Leyland

    Michelle, Where abouts are you usually? Im travelling around leyland quite alot recently and no doubt will look out for you if i know a rough whereabouts? :)
  11. W

    Williams in Leyland

    Cheers matey... yea i dunno what it is about your car but it always seems to stand out from the usual cups, im sure ive seen you a few times before but never passing face to face. Was lookin good too :) What you doing wandering around leyland?
  12. W

    Williams in Leyland

    Whats with the gay? Wondered who it was but thought it would have been you since i think i have seen you before round preston.
  13. W

    Williams in Leyland

    Wuz me.... C*nt.... :P
  14. W

    Clio Cup LS52 *** in Wigan

    Nice nice... Yea they are always loitering around on "sofa company" LOL! Sounds like a plan, mines broke at the moment, a gearbox bearing needed changing cos it was whining. Changed that at the weekend and got it back on the road on Sunday afternoon, was great. But then at 9:30pm the gearbox...
  15. W

    Clio Cup LS52 *** in Wigan

    MattT, Yep thats where i live... How comes you seen it? Where abouts you travelling to and from?
  16. W

    Clio Cup LS52 *** in Wigan

    Really? Let me look up your details hehehe :) Ive been here just over two years... so probably just missed you. You left in end of Feb 01 eh? :)
  17. W

    Williams - Queen St - Wigan

    Lol well you wont see me..... Mines dead at the moment with its gearbox in pieces... Damd bearing going so had to strip it down! Should *hopefully* be back on road this weekend.
  18. W

    Williams - Queen St - Wigan

    Was me :) N71 *** matey ;) Didnt see you around tho!
  19. W

    Clio Cup LS52 *** in Wigan

    Lol! Another one to add to the Wigan CS group... Im up in Aspull but am always wandering around getting parts for the damd car! hehe Ive seen loads of Clio 172/Cups around wigan, probably seen you as well Kelly on your travels at some point. Dave Cli02, You work for RemGaurd? If you...
  20. W

    Stressed, Fed-up and Depressed!

    Ney probs... Well amoungst other things that help your health :P :p
  21. W

    Got a valver

    Yea baron is an definate understatement.... People go... 16Vs, Williams eh whats them when their at home?
  22. W

    Car wash scratched my car!

    I hate washin car with anything other than my own stuff. Doesnt feel right. Even if car is dirty but cant clean it on drive cos other things goin on i would leave it dirty until i can do it properly. b*****d tho, gutted for ya, specially when youve done whole car with it as well! GRRRRR...
  23. W

    Stressed, Fed-up and Depressed!

    And no your not sad at all... very good for you health a daily drive :) ;)
  24. W

    Stressed, Fed-up and Depressed!

    Im feelin same at the mo... but cant drive cos no back window! GRRRR! RAC autowindscreens are putting it back and back and back!
  25. W

    Rear windscreen smashed! Damd Chavs!

    Police have been informed and have a crime reference number. The police couldnt do anything unless i can find out where they live. Cos i actually met up with them and know exactly what they look like i can identify them and prosecure. Even though its my word against them the police have a pretty...
  26. W

    Rear windscreen smashed! Damd Chavs!

    Funnily enough i was thinking about everyone on here and thought.... "Heres for smashing everyone eleses windows on cliosport as well!" :P Just has a neighbour knock on door, turns out his nice golf VR32 rear window was done as well. They used a brick and it hit the dashboard and dented it...
  27. W

    Rear windscreen smashed! Damd Chavs!

    GRRR! 1:17am this morning heard a smash and car alarm went off. I had been out and got in at 1:11am, so only been in 5 mins. Just on computer and jumped up when it happened. Looked out of window saw smashed back window and saw 2 lads and a girl running up street, then when they where about...
  28. W

    Mk1 Angel Eyes :D

    Yea the one furthest away from the indicator is the main beam. Very bright. Ta tizerB16v the car is immaculate luv it to pieces :)
  29. W

    Mk1 Angel Eyes :D

    The bulbs are completely different fitment. They connect straight in with the current connectors though! The halos are just illuminated when you have your side lights on. With dipped beam the "eye" shaped lense is light up. This if very very good and clear, would be much better with some blue...
  30. W

    Mk1 Angel Eyes :D

    Take a look :)