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  1. P

    full body spray

    i just got some back to black stuff for the trims and bumbers, they were looking there age, managed to get them with a little shine on them, so maybe just one little step at a time, i could always try painting it myself :D
  2. P

    full body spray

    looks like im sticking with the vomit inducing blue then hehe
  3. P

    Power Stearing

    no idea what those are :( elaborate?
  4. P


    hah yes, that one :p
  5. P

    full body spray

    anyone have a rough idea how much it would cost to get the above car sprayed a different colour, the blue makes me vomit.
  6. P

    Power Stearing

    Iv read alot of reviews and specification on the internet and they are all mixed, so hopefully someone here can answer my question. Iv got a 1994 M RENAULT CLIO 1.9 D Be Bop 3 Door Hatchback all i need to know is, does it have power stearing? I dont know if its meant to have power stearing...
  7. P


    Im not entirly new here, i use to own a little clio a couple years ago, untill i ran it into a fence and the entire front end demolished heh, I just bought a new clio this morning, an old banger Clio 1.8 D BeBop - 1994 (or something) So i am back :D
  8. P

    Timing Belt = Dead

    Hey good news! we have stripped the engine down, and apart from the obv damage to clyinder head, everything else is fine! Im so happy. Ordering new head gasket tomorro along with a timing belt, and the guys coming back on saturday to fit it. There was one little complication though, the new...
  9. P

    Timing Belt = Dead

    thats dits, thats cheared me up a lot, however. does it matter that i tryed to jump start it a s**t load, then got it toed home and tryed to jump start it for about 5 miles on the way home? would that effect it even more. Because i heard that ones its dead its dead., it wont move again, so once...
  10. P

    Timing Belt = Dead

    mixed responces then heh, i bough a second hand head from a dealer, i asked for a 2000 model, and the head has a 97 stamp on it, that wont work will it ?
  11. P

    Timing Belt = Dead

    Im hoping someone can help me here, i really need it :( In january, i was driving when my car came to grinding hault, and wouldnt start again, i thought it had ran out of petrol, so i walked to a petrol station and got petrol, filled it up and tryed to start, still nothing, so i tryed bump...
  12. P

    mk2 phase 1 Cylinder Head

    amazing, my dad is a close friend with someone who owns a garage, when ever his van breaks down or needs MOT, he gets him to do it, and its always done and a propper job done might i add in a very good timeframe, a really good guy and a really good garage. he said to me it would be about 4/5...
  13. P

    mk2 phase 1 Cylinder Head

    Eddie, how much do you recon it would be for a second hand engine? buy and install?
  14. P

    mk2 phase 1 Cylinder Head

    My Clio recently broke, the timing belt is gone :( I phoned the garage to find out a rough price to repair, baring in mind, they cant really tell without opening it up to see the extent of the damage to the valves etc. They said to me " if you can get your hands on a cylinder head with valves...
  15. P

    New Bumper

    heh , i shall go down to breakers on monday!
  16. P

    New Bumper

    Right so im an idiot yo! First day of the winter there is ice on the roads, and i run my car off the road through a fence and a hedge. Bumper is cracked and falling off, very lucky it was only that. I been looking for a new bumper but i don't know enough about my car, i believe its a Clio MK2...
  17. P

    Door protector thingys

    i seen some in halfords the other day!
  18. P

    Changed the gear knob

    Since i don't really know if anyone else has done this, probably have, and this is useless, but i thought i would share with the people who havent. Just incase they were a little scared of doing it aswell. I changed the gear knob on my Clio, and it involved cutting out the exsisting one. Heres...
  19. P

    Gear Knob

    yea thats what im scared of, dont want to destroy my gear knob. :/ i need to think of something. my dad is a joiner, im sure he can think of something to take it off and replace it so it isnt falling of all the time.
  20. P

    Gear Knob

    I got paid, and was well happy to go to halfords and buy some stuff i dont really need for my car to make it look that little bit better, along with some blue leds for the footwells, i bought a gear knob. To replace my standard one. Amazing! However, i cant get my gear knob off. I think the...
  21. P

    FTP help

    most likely a firewall issue.
  22. P

    show us ya desk

    heh thats my windows 2003 server, indeed an emachine, cost me 150£ lovely!
  23. P

    show us ya desk

  24. P

    XP Themes

    heh, try, or even
  25. P

    Forth Road Bridge, South Bound

    We met each other in Fife, going into the forth road bridge, had a little fun over the bridge, where you clearly won :( and i lost you at Tescos in South Queensferry. I believe it was a green Clio, guy driving it, was wearing a tshirt! about a month and a half ago anyone here?