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  1. L

    182 - IT’S NOT 10BHP MORE!!

    Ok so I was wrong - typical girl I hear you cry...strikes me everyones a bit toooo up their own arses in this club...I thought it would be a fairly friendly environment where everyone who had an interest in Renaultsport could share views. I guess I was wrong....see ya
  2. L

    182 - IT’S NOT 10BHP MORE!!

    Just testing how defensive you lot are over the 182....quite alot it seems.
  3. L

    182 - IT’S NOT 10BHP MORE!!

    Oooooo I love arguments...
  4. L

    182 - IT’S NOT 10BHP MORE!!

    So if it the 172 isnt 172 BHP why do all the mag ads say "with 172 BHP?"
  5. L

    182 - IT’S NOT 10BHP MORE!!

    Everyone seems to think the 182 has 10 BHP more than the 172 but thats sh!t, its 10PS which only increases the BHP to 179...personally Im quite happy with my 172 to which I am fitting a decent performance exhaust not a twin pea shooter....
  6. L

    new 182

    i know but hey us lads luv cars - and girlies
  7. L

    Car alarm on an import

    I didnt get a car alarm with my import...just an immobiliser. I rang my insurance company to see if getting an alarm would bring my premium down but they said it would make no difference. Is it worth getting one anyway just for peace of mind? I cant decide..
  8. L

    motorpoint £11K for 172`s !

    No problems as such but when I took my car to Renault explaining that I bought it from Motorpoint and they had advised me to speak to Renault and validate the warranty, they did nothing, just said "oh bring it in for its first service at 18000 miles" Is this right? It was a fairly dippy girl I...
  9. L

    Car insurance, whos everyone with

    Hahahahahaha, no sometimes i wish i did but thats beside the point...I live in Lincoln. Its er...great.
  10. L

    Car insurance, whos everyone with

    I am 24 and insured fully comp with Tesco paying £569 with 4 years no claims protected on the policy. Not bad methinks..
  11. L

    motorpoint £11K for 172`s !

    I bought my 172 from Motorpoint and I saved about 3 grand on list price and I am chuffed to bits with it.
  12. L

    motorpoint £11K for 172`s !

    Well said.....
  13. L

    Replacing the head unit

    OK thanks for your help!
  14. L

    Replacing the head unit

    I will be replacing the head unit on my Clio 172 mk II in the near future and I was wondering if you still see the source on the display, i.e CD, Radio etc?
  15. L

    182 or 172

    I bought my 172 from Motorpoint for £11699 last month, an internet company called Uk Car Broker is selling 182s for £12300 OTR including delivery, also try I chose the 172 over the 182 because I was disappointed when I saw the exhaust on the 182. My car was imported from France...
  16. L

    average age of 172 drivers!

    I have just joined and I bought my 172 on December 23rd last year, it was an early Christmas present to myself! I am 24 and to be honest was surprised I could afford the insurance. I am well chuffed with the car and have taken great pleasure in whipping Nova boys *sses (not sure if...