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08 Clio TCE Heater Fan Issue

  08 Clio TCE
Hi Guys,

Wonder if someone can help, I have a 2008 Renault Clio TCE which the heating fan has decided to pack up on settings 1-3, however 4 is fine. Searching the forums it seems possible that the fan resistor is at fault as the fan works on setting 4.

However I need some help, Ive managed to take out the passenger glovebox and locate the resistor pack and loom, however the red and black live cables seem to disappear up and over the center vents and I think plug into another loom on the drivers side.

Without having to replace the whole pack at expense could it be just the thermal resistor? Could a replacement be soldered on & if so does anyone know the thermal rating?

Any help would be appreciated.
  08 Clio TCE
Ok after unscrewing the unit I took a few pictures (below). I presume this is the control unit for
the fan speeds, As only setting 4 works I guess it could be a fault with the circuit under the
green poxy? Would it be easier to replace the unit and splice the red & black wires to the
new unit? I cant fully follow those 2 wires or replace without taking the whole dash out.



  08 Clio TCE
Cheers for the reply lemonnobby, I thought as much just need to find out how much one of these units is gonna set me back.
Could another option be to solder a new thermal resistor and remove the old one at the end of the unit?

