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1*2's being Broken !


ClioSport Club Member
Is it me or is there an enormous amount of 172/182's being broken of late? Everytime I load faceache it seems like another one's getting the chop.

Can't see there being many left at this rate........................



ClioSport Club Member
It is a shame that they’re ending up like that.

But whilst you’ve been on there have you noticed any iceberg 172’s being broken? Could do with some body panels tbh.



ClioSport Club Member
Sadly, it's something a lot of cars go through. They get cheap, so a lot get scrapped. Then prices start to go up, along with prices of parts, so the rough ones that are left start to get broken, which pushes prices up even more and, before you know it, people are complaining that they're now too expensive and have been ruined by collectors and classic car flippers.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I genuinely don’t get it with the 172/182. I understand the standard shite. But you can’t get a more modern car that drives as well as a 1*2.

Show me another car for less than £3/4k that has half leather, air con, traction control, cruise control, and can go round corners on 3 wheels allllll day long. As a petrol head, it’s probably one of the last drivers cars left before it all goes pear shaped with automatic gearboxes and various collision systems.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
I genuinely don’t get it with the 172/182. I understand the standard shite. But you can’t get a more modern car that drives as well as a 1*2.

Show me another car for less than £3/4k that has half leather, air con, traction control, cruise control, and can go round corners on 3 wheels allllll day long. As a petrol head, it’s probably one of the last drivers cars left before it all goes pear shaped with automatic gearboxes and various collision systems.

Totally agree, I too my 182 Trophy out on Easter weekend (first time since sept I think) and it was a right laugh! :D


ClioSport Club Member
Because unfortunately they're worth more in parts than as a whole car.

Engines have skyrocketed recently.

Only in theory.

Once you've sold the engine and gearbox you've got a ton of stuff left over that few people actually want.
More so when so many are being broken at once, parts will sit around for ages and even if someone is interested, they'll never pay more than a few quid.

People braking good running cars because they didn't get an offer they liked are mugging themselves off.
Prepare to get ten thousand offers you don't like, finally selling everything for peanuts because you don't want the hassle of it anymore.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Only in theory.

Once you've sold the engine and gearbox you've got a ton of stuff left over that few people actually want.
More so when so many are being broken at once, parts will sit around for ages and even if someone is interested, they'll never pay more than a few quid.
Yeah, not true with modified cars. Boggo spec ones? Probably. But how many are untouched?

In parts alone mine is worth 9k, it didn't get a sniff at 5k list. Thats underpricing parts and not including the random shite.


ClioSport Club Member
I think if you have some nice after market parts then it might make sense to break it as you wont get as much for things like coilovers and the like on the car, you never do, but for standard parts I am not sure how strong the market would be, I see lots of people posting strong prices for them to slowly creep down as they get bored or fed up of having half a car on the drive.

Its okay if you have somewhere to keep it indefinitely while you tear it apart.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, not true with modified cars. Boggo spec ones? Probably. But how many are untouched?

Many have got some mods, but not many have gone full racecar with it. Sure if they have it's probably a better bet to take it apart.
But if it's just been lowered on some Turinis, with a fatty induction kit, don't mess around trying to break that down.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I’ve broken a fair few now and you can easily make a decent profit even if you sell stuff cheap.
Latest one I paid £400 for the car and made 3-4k off the parts.


ClioSport Club Member
I get a lot of comments on mine, often such as:

"Wow you don't see these anymore"

"That's really clean"

"I really loved these back in the day"

I keep getting some ballbag knocking on my door asking to buy my Monaco. He seems to think it'll be a £500 car. Joker couldn't even afford my steering wheel

I've broken a lot of Clios, they're worth more in parts. I've got 3 atm, one of them is crying out to be killed, it's a rate bag of shite. The other one is at my brothers, low miles cup packed titanium needing love and then my blue b*****d

They're all getting to the point where they're seeing rust now and people can't be arsed because they're in the mindset that 'its just a clio'


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I keep getting some ballbag knocking on my door asking to buy my Monaco. He seems to think it'll be a £500 car. Joker couldn't even afford my steering wheel

I've broken a lot of Clios, they're worth more in parts. I've got 3 atm, one of them is crying out to be killed, it's a rate bag of shite. The other one is at my brothers, low miles cup packed titanium needing love and then my blue b*****d

They're all getting to the point where they're seeing rust now and people can't be arsed because they're in the mindset that 'its just a clio'

Yeah I noticed a lot of hidden rust on the ones I cut up recently outside of the usual places.
  Clio 182 cup
I get a lot of comments on mine, often such as:

"Wow you don't see these anymore"

"That's really clean"

"I really loved these back in the day"

I get similar thing with mine, my liquid yellow 300 trophy gets comments on the colour but that's about it.
The 182 gets a much more positive response from a far wider variety of people aswel.


ClioSport Club Member
I get a lot of comments on mine, often such as:

"Wow you don't see these anymore"

"That's really clean"

"I really loved these back in the day"

I daily drive a MK2 ph1 1.2 16v sport and one of the young lads at work with a fiesta with wind deflectors and stage 6 exhaust didn't know what It was 😂😂 turns out he wasnt even born by the time it was out of warranty, makes me feel old.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
I genuinely don’t get it with the 172/182. I understand the standard shite. But you can’t get a more modern car that drives as well as a 1*2.

Show me another car for less than £3/4k that has half leather, air con, traction control, cruise control, and can go round corners on 3 wheels allllll day long. As a petrol head, it’s probably one of the last drivers cars left before it all goes pear shaped with automatic gearboxes and various collision systems.

let’s not forget they are low emissions b****cks compliant and pretty great on fuel too.

I’ve dailied mine for a week or so post MOT to shake out any issues and it’s been pretty decent. Lacks any modern car play type stuff but it’s an easy enough retrofit.

It much sooner daily a 1x2 than a generic leased £299 a month Korean rectangle


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
If how many left is right 2/3rds of all 182s made for the UK are already dead.
As long as mine keeps going I’m fine with it, might mean the ones that survive are actually worth something in 10 years time.
My 182 has had £4.7k spent just on the bodywork alone in the last 2 years 😮 plus another £400 on the wheels being refurbed, so a grand total of £5.2k. Plus servicing, tyres etc... It soon adds up lol.
£3k was through the insurance for a low impact no fault claim. New bonnet, front bumper, grill, headlight etc and all resprayed including both wings. The other £1.7k was on the rusty arches being cut out and replaced and around the petrol filler cap too.
It sounds a lot. But I've had it just over 18 years from new 😁 It's still my daily and on 120k miles.
Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
Only in theory.

Once you've sold the engine and gearbox you've got a ton of stuff left over that few people actually want.
More so when so many are being broken at once, parts will sit around for ages and even if someone is interested, they'll never pay more than a few quid.

People braking good running cars because they didn't get an offer they liked are mugging themselves off.
Prepare to get ten thousand offers you don't like, finally selling everything for peanuts because you don't want the hassle of it anymore.
I've never read such bullshit before in all my life 😂

That is absolutely not how breaking a car with a decent following goes such as a 182 or megane 225 especially if it has some tasty bits on it

I have had a lot of experience with it.


ClioSport Club Member
I've never read such bullshit before in all my life 😂

That is absolutely not how breaking a car with a decent following goes such as a 182 or megane 225 especially if it has some tasty bits on it

I have had a lot of experience with it.
I thought this too

I used to regularly break cars when I had time, I only ever struggled to sell stuff if it was very niche like an exhaust that only mates to a certain decat pipe. Even then you just drop the price a tad or sell it with said decat pipe🤣

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I regret selling mine sometimes. For this exact reason, great car, values rising etc.

But it had to go, 9 years was enough for me and I can say I owned one at least.

They can soon start to become a burden/money pit in my opinion (value/age of car vs repair costs etc)


ClioSport Club Member
I’ve not tallied up what I’ve poured in to mine lately but it’s easily 100% + of what I paid for it since October 🤣

I don’t mind though, it’s likely a keeper and I enjoy being its caretaker.

All my stuff gets over maintained tbf.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I’ve not tallied up what I’ve poured in to mine lately but it’s easily 100% + of what I paid for it since October 🤣

I don’t mind though, it’s likely a keeper and I enjoy being its caretaker.

All my stuff gets over maintained tbf.

I was the same with mine over the years. Then it got to a point where I needed some cash for Kitchen work tops, the car was sat on drive hardly being used and it just seemed to make sense at the time.
Belts were overdue and rear arch had rust bubbles.
Some lad snapped it up and broke it for parts or took all the good bits off it funnily enough 🤣


ClioSport Club Member
My gearbox cost me 5 times what the actual cost of the car cost me🤣

I'm scared to add up what I've spent. I'm gonna make a tally of my spends on the 5 series, since October I've probably spent £2500 on parts🤣


ClioSport Club Member
I am pretty used to making horrendous financial decisions having spent my life racing on four wheels and two

My supersport bike cost me over 35k to build. I wrote it off twice and then sold it for 8 grand 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I’ve done this numerous times over. So perhaps not a good role model 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


ClioSport Club Member
Most ive seen breaking are well used, failed track cars or rusty. Rust is expensive to fix right and nail in the coffin for most cheap hot hatches.
  R5gtt, 182, volvo...
Most ive seen breaking are well used, failed track cars or rusty. Rust is expensive to fix right and nail in the coffin for most cheap hot hatches.

That's patina, in America the price goes up.. Couple of metal number plates over the worst holes and it's mint.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I have broken a couple of cars over the years, one Escort RS Turbo and a Impreza WRX .... and exactly the same as said above, once the desirable bits go you are left with a shell on the drive and a load of bits you can't shift for more than a few quid.

There was nothing more infuriating than answering messages or texts people asking for a bit of trim/clips/switch or whatever.... I'd be very reasonable often just saying a fiver + post .....

Then the "well how much is postage?" I'd quote 3-5 quid bearing in mind the cost of a envelope, cost and my time going to the post office and the messages would go cold or you get "can you do a fiver all in?"

Then when you actually sell an item for the fiver, they are chasing the postage or asking for tracking numbers etc.... it's all a massive pain in the dick.


ClioSport Club Member
To be honest, the very thought of having to sell stuff to the public would be enough to put me off.

I’d rather set fire to it than have to deal with that many people to make a few quid.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
To be honest, the very thought of having to sell stuff to the public would be enough to put me off.

I’d rather set fire to it than have to deal with that many people to make a few quid.

Yeah admittedly you do get a lot of mongs when it comes to selling Clio parts.

Amount of people that seem shocked at 20yr old parts having rust on them makes me chuckle sometimes.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Who's breaking the silver clio? I need a bonnet and tailgate!

It’s the fella off the image Advikaz posted. The tailgate is still available as far as I am aware. The bonnet is too but seems to have damage and is also titanium not iceberg.
