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17 + insurance on cup

  Monaco 172
Mate give up, get a couple of years driving experience and NCB under your belt and think about upgrading then.

Paying that much for insurance is just crazy.
  Clio sport 1.2 16v
Lol, in my situation, a Supra TT was cheaper to insure on! Try that!?:) (But I am 25)
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ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
It was with Hastings, TBH its been worth every penny.

The look on some peoples faces when they get left at the lights by a girls car is unbelievable!

Regret paying that much though, but Im enjoying it!
  Breaking A 172 Replica
Whats this back street thing? You make it sound like I am going to be running a crack joint and I will use the cup to do the runs?!

I just mean I would use for going on blasts around the back roads.

Tbh I am not prepared to spend 1700 for 3 months insurance, so unless I can find somewhere that would do it for under 1k for 3 months it looks like I will have to stay non-RS.



ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
I can assure you that you wont get that!

I was left with 2 options......spend £500 on a car + £200 to change policy.


Spend £1228 have the 172, dont get lumbered with the other banger so effectively I only paid £528 for 3 months......I would have just gave the £500 one to a scrappy!

Just so everyone knows - I needed a car on the road insured by me to keep the premium going to build up no claims discount.
  Chelsea tractor
Just don't bother :S
^^ What he said. Too expensive. No point spending that much money now on an RS when:
a) You could spend it travelling...
b) Save it for uni...
c) Would probably damage the car at some point or another, not want to claim off the insurance for fear of the premium increasing and therefore having to fork out for a big bill...
d) Save it for a much better car in a few years time when insurance premiums aren't ludicrous!

I count myself lucky in a way for learning to drive in a 300+hp Merc, it made me respect stupidly powerful cars at a young age. In a way it put me off wanting a powerful car as it made me realise that there's more to driving than speed - there's so much to enjoy and yet so much to learn other than flooring it everywhere.

There's no-way I'd personally ever get anything that quick until I could both afford the insurance on it (which now is ironically less than a 172!!) and until I am sure that I would (for the most part) drive it responsibly. There's a reason they try to put you off insurance on cars like this when you're younger! According to them, there's no point having a nice car if you are statistically likely to stack it in a few months :(
pmsl at this thread. Are you mad? Do you want to buy your coffin aswel?

Insuring a cup at 17, TPFT with you as a third driver all for the bargain price of three and a half grand.

fpmsl, have a word son.
  Breaking A 172 Replica
pmsl at this thread. Are you mad? Do you want to buy your coffin aswel?

Insuring a cup at 17, TPFT with you as a third driver all for the bargain price of three and a half grand.

fpmsl, have a word son.

Do I sense there is a bit of stereotyping going on here?

I agree that someone of 17 is more likey to crash, and of course the insurance companies recognise this, but I think by going TPFT I would be sensible and not want to put it through a field on its roof.

Pleased it made you laugh though Jaybee :approve:
  Chelsea tractor
Is fully comp and a rediculous excess not cheaper than TPFT? Just get a small cheap car - especially if you're going away soon!
  Breaking A 172 Replica
Well I have a clio dynamique atm but just want something pretty quick in the twisties.

I'd still keep the dynamique for around town and stuff but just want something to blast around the twisties.

I have a bit of money saved up but I don't want to waste it...

Decisions, decisions...

  Engles Mummy
As above.

I would like to be insured for 3months.

Where should I go to get quotes?

Best price coming up for is 3707 for the year (thats with mum as main driver (9 years no claims) and me as 3rd driver with Dad as second.



Hi m8.

I was 18 when I got my cup, cost £2700 fully comp on my mums name with bell.

I doubt any insurance company would insure you for "3 months" and why may I ask would you only want 3 months?

If you got the money to spank m8 then go for it. End of the day money is there to be spent on what you love, plus your young...probably got no commitments or any out going payments. It’s the perfect time IMO, plus it’s always nice having you have the fastest car out of all your m8s :)

What ever you do, good luck!
