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172/182-/cup Rear seat weight

  MKIII 138

Anyone know the weights for 172 or 182 or 182cup rear seats ?

has anyone removed there rear seats ?

homuch would you guess the weight of the back seats is ?

((also is it possible to fit a bucket seat in the back ? ))
  MKIII 138

couple of hours and still no answer :(

im gonna guess the rear bench + all other gubins adds upto anywhere between 35-45kgs ?


ClioSport Trader
  172 Cup

Quote: Originally posted by Fred2001Dynamic on 29 January 2005

the rear seats complete + spare and tool kit in the 172 = 46kg IIRC
spare is 16Kg

tool kit 2-3

so rear seats 28Kg

I did a complete breakdown of all of the weights over a year ago... youll still find it in exterior section somewhere I think
