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172/182 half leather seats from Renault?

Does anyone know how I can get hold of a full 172/182 interior (fronts, rear bench and door cards) brand new from Renault? don't mind how much they cost etc just want to know if they will sell them me and where abouts would I ask to get them.

Cheers, Adam
holy sh*t thats expensive!! Ive been looking on ebay and cliosport for about 3 weeks now but still no luck, tried to buy them off Steve but he sold them before I got chance lol shows that lots of people want them grrr my car is at teh garage now with its near rear quarter panel fitted and ready to leave.... just needs seats, not to keen on the normal dynamique ones, I've always wanted some leather ones or buckets (buckets are expensive though :()

Cheers, for replies, will just have to keep looking I guess.

call them and save some server space

Have you not realised by you posting useless replies is also wasting space!?
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2

Priced from a Renault price list that's probably a good year old

Front Uppers - £1240.78, £1231.56
Front Lowers - 2 x £778.71
Headrests Front - 2 x 278.85
Headrests Rear - 2 x £70.51, 1 x £147.00
Rear Upper Driver's Side - No price listed
Rear Upper Pass Side - £853.52
Rear Lower Driver's Side - £1005.65
Rear Lower Pass Side - £716.51

Prices now will be higher and these are all without VAT. Covers only, need foam and frames etc too!

Makes £800 off eBay look a bargain.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
hahaha that is absolutely insane! How am I ever gonna get some seats lol

Not from Renault anyway eh!

It's crazy isn't it?

I make that £8755.12 including VAT and that's still missing the bit with no price. And no door cards, seat frames, air bags, or foam. And the prices may all have gone up.

Got to be eBay, on here, or breakers.
ok cheers guys, will just pray that someone ends up thinking "hmm recaros would look good in my 172 ff/182" and Bingo! Adams got a deposit down lol
almost went for that but wanted the airbag in the seat :( will give it a think though because well the aurbag isn't that important is it... :/

