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172/182 Headlights?

  Clio 182 Cup
I have an '05 182 Sport. I have just restriped my car using a stripe kit. All good there, but unfortunately it looks like the adhesive remover I used, Oomph, its some citrus based thing, has now clouded the edges of my headlight covers, both sides of the car. Insert multiple swear words here! So, the only way to fix it is to replace them.

I've just spoken to Renault service, and you cannot buy just the clear plastic cover, you have to buy the whole headlight unit, (minus the actually lights themselves) that the headlights/indicator sits in. Can anyone comfirm 100% that the 172 and 182 headlight units are exactly the same, only differing in colour?? If they are, I'm going to order 172 units and swap mine over to black, as I always thought the grey would have looked better if it were black.

Many thanks for any info or help.
  Nissan 350z
172/182 xenon headlights are the same apart from the inserts like you say. So yeah plug and play direct swap basically.
