im in agreeance with many agruements with this thread
1. and this is the most important thing FAST 1/4 MILE TIMES DO NOT MEAN A CAR IS THE BEST THING ON THE ROAD, ive seen a honda blackbird engined 2cv do the 1/4mile in sub 13 secs is this a good car, no way,
the e30 m3, 1/4 mile is 16 secs does this mean its crapper than a cup or ctr, no way, possible the most balanced car ever made, and on a track would probably beat cups and ctrs, same with integra type rs some people say ooh it can barely do sub 15 1/4s its rubbish,
those you go to track days know that this is bullsh*t and integras on tracks are simply awesome tools
2.end of the day rwyb days are a bit of fun in my mind, why do people get so serious about these, lighten up, some people get so upset about losing, they are about enjoyment, all be it clutch frying enjoyment, track days are possible more fun in my mind, getting it right off an apex and nailing it up the straights then hard braking for the next apex, that is more a test of what a car does, but still track days are fun too, none of us are in the field of professional level motorsport, wellsome might do amateur stuff,
3. finally this is a personal annoyance that i have, and its the std vs modded stuff, if the orginal aim was to see a cup vs a ctr in terms of on road performance then std vs modded IS NOT FAIR, id like to see std vs std 1/4 mile, i could come on here and say r5 blows 172 or r5 blows ctr, as theres videos of that on rtoc, how many people would get the arse then
end of the day enjoy your cars for what they are,
and just as a jest, id have a williams over a 172 or ctr, just so much more a q car