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172 Cup destroys Civic Type R


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Quote: Originally posted by aaronc on 27 May 2003

I swear santa pod times out so much more than york, not disputing your times lads, they are very impressive, but santa pod seems to be always less times than york with similar cars..............maybe the start line or something?
It is the start line...

Santa Pod and York both use the same timing gear, so no difference there, but at York there are 2 start areas in each pit lane.

There is the normal start thats covered in rubber that the drag cars use and a second area to the inside of each lane thats for road cars, so you dont have to start on the mailto:cr@p">cr@p that the drag cars leave.

Quote: Originally posted by Vtec Abuser on 27 May 2003

So just answer me this then mate. If your run that you did yesterday was against Tim, and you lost (which you would of done going by the times), im sure we wouldnt have seen this thread starting off saying... "V6 Clio will get blown by a 172/CUP" Would we......
V TEC - going off times - yeh he may of beat me - no excuses. Like i say - when my car is running fine - i will race him - until then - you cant compare anything. If i do get beat i will just come back next time with a supercharger fitted - i wont be pissed off - it will just make me more determined to win. And to top it off - if timo did beat me im sure someone else would post it on the site - if i didnt ??? -

LOL 1/4 mileing seems a good laugh but you lot take it far too seriously! If you run completly std against completely std then you have a comparason of sorts. But its still down to the driver so not really the cars.

Id quite happily keep my cup if I was offered a Mk1 V6 as a swap - theres no point its got 2 seats and theres nothing in it performance wise (with 150BHp of nos Id like to hope I could beat a cup though??? V6 has a higher top end but how often are you gonna be sitting up there?

I take these 1/4 mile things with a pinch of salt.

There is a movie on the net where a CTR hammered a Focus RS on the 1/4 mile. It was on but the link in the page is not working.

I know the RS is quicker, you know the RS is quicker!

But on that day the RS lost for whatever reason.

Does that mean the Cup is quicker than an RS??? HA!

The 1/4 mile is no reflection of performance, get em on the track! [not mine though, I drive like a wimp!]
  CTR EK9 turbo

its all down to the driver.......

craggy - dont know about being wasted on a motorway mate, i had a 20+ mile race with a CTR and it was neck and neck, both flat out to max speed....Both were well up for it: racers code of hazard flash and lower lights at the end etc.

Someone has blabbed this all over the Evo forum, luckily much more light hearted, Vtec abuser, by any chance? For the last time my tires are f**king raod legal, they are are not f**king slicks!!
  Golf GTI Ed30

Dont even go on Evo forum so think again. By the way that was me who beat that Focus RS at Santa pod its my vid. But Ill be the first to admit that CTRs arent quicker. Just beat it on that one run. WOW.

I dont usually post on these type of conversations, mainly because 1) Im not always looking for a race with someone else to go shouting about, 2) I know that my car is quick but accept there are quicker cars than mine out there and 3) I respect the fact that people buy their cars for differing reasons.

I am as interested as the next man to see how different cars compare with each other. In this example (Cup vs. CTR) it is, I believe, fair to say that the they are a close match for each other, and that the driver and any mods can make all the difference on the day.

HOWEVER I am continually dissapointed that on an almost weekly basis there is a thread on the Cliosport site proclaiming about how much faster a Clio *whatever* is than another make/style/model of car.

These threads are usually posted with a reasonable amount of fairness and give both sides of the argument initally, but always seem to be hijacked by a small miniority of people who somehow believe that they and their cars are invincible and capable of out-handling, out-racing and out-manoeuvring any othe car on the road. You know who you are!

Please stop it. You are making yourselves and other members of this site look like complete imbeciles.

Rant over. Thank you for listening.

Ben, you know I am jesting about some of the stuff, as you were, but christ wind the clok back a couple of days and you were on here baiting Clios, why cant everyone just relax?
  Renaultsport Clio 200 Cup

Bump Eightball... if you look on several other forums, youre giving ClioSport owners a bad name, and personally I dont want to be tarred by the same brush.


At the end of the day a car is a product. Generally in life people compare products, like my phone for example e.g picture quality,size etc, comparing it with my i like to compare my car against other brands and models, theres nothing wrong with it and can be alot of fun. and like alot of things people can exgerrate to express how close the win or loss was.

Men compare everything including cars, women, gadgets, clothes, its just a natural trait men have. The guys on here like eightball who dont like to race or compare is great but maybe he lacks the male hormone slightly, who knows lol

I raced a TVR the other day and i posted a short report on the main board, yes he was marginally quicker, i admit defeat (only just), couldnt understand why it didnt kill me though being just a clio? Found out it was a 2.8V6 S2 with only 170bhp and 0-60 in 7.1.

Men like to compare things - thats life.

im in agreeance with many agruements with this thread

1. and this is the most important thing FAST 1/4 MILE TIMES DO NOT MEAN A CAR IS THE BEST THING ON THE ROAD, ive seen a honda blackbird engined 2cv do the 1/4mile in sub 13 secs is this a good car, no way,

the e30 m3, 1/4 mile is 16 secs does this mean its crapper than a cup or ctr, no way, possible the most balanced car ever made, and on a track would probably beat cups and ctrs, same with integra type rs some people say ooh it can barely do sub 15 1/4s its rubbish,

those you go to track days know that this is bullsh*t and integras on tracks are simply awesome tools

2.end of the day rwyb days are a bit of fun in my mind, why do people get so serious about these, lighten up, some people get so upset about losing, they are about enjoyment, all be it clutch frying enjoyment, track days are possible more fun in my mind, getting it right off an apex and nailing it up the straights then hard braking for the next apex, that is more a test of what a car does, but still track days are fun too, none of us are in the field of professional level motorsport, wellsome might do amateur stuff,

3. finally this is a personal annoyance that i have, and its the std vs modded stuff, if the orginal aim was to see a cup vs a ctr in terms of on road performance then std vs modded IS NOT FAIR, id like to see std vs std 1/4 mile, i could come on here and say r5 blows 172 or r5 blows ctr, as theres videos of that on rtoc, how many people would get the arse then

end of the day enjoy your cars for what they are,

and just as a jest, id have a williams over a 172 or ctr, just so much more a q car:)

Quote: Originally posted by aaronc on 27 May 2003

The guys on here like eightball who dont like to race or compare is great but maybe he lacks the male hormone slightly, who knows lol

Men like to compare things - thats life.
Aaron, have a qick re-read of what I wrote.

You are correct.. well apart from the bit about lacking the male hormone :cry:. As you have said, men like to compare, and to quote myself "I am as interested as the next man to see how different cars compare with each other".

I may challenge other motors from time to time, but its not a daily occurrence for me as it seems to be for some people, and I have no problem with a decent open-minded report from other people about their experiences.

But what really pulls my pisser is the people on here who instead of having a reasoned even-handed debate in which all side are put fairly, sensibly and rationally, turn (as I said earlier) these threads into a 4 or 5 page slanging match because they refuse to accept that there may be other cars out there that can give them a run for their money.
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf

i agree there are plenty of new cars out there to give the clio a run....but not for the money,thats the whole point and fairplay to anyone who wants to shout out loud that there clio has done well against other and sometimes faster cars..
  clio 20v

i also take quarter mile times with a pinch of salt however if i beat some1 ill check there results on yorks website to see what other times they run u dont know they might have completely fuked up a run

there is no better way to test a cars straightline speed than a rwyb day and u cant say any of my results were flukey i ran 8 14.4s then bettering my start technique i got a 14.3 then a 14.2

also bens civic has very good terminal speeds the thing definately shifts and has potential to get the times down


what was all that about 8 ball - sports cars are meant to be driven in a competetive manner - and the drivers are allowed to have the crack with each other - it aint childish mate - its a laugh - seems to me with that little story you wrote you would be more suited to this website - - meeeoooowwww.
  Golf GTI Ed30

Quote: Originally posted by adiclio16v on 27 May 2003

i also take quarter mile times with a pinch of salt however if i beat some1 ill check there results on yorks website to see what other times they run u dont know they might have completely fuked up a run

there is no better way to test a cars straightline speed than a rwyb day and u cant say any of my results were flukey i ran 8 14.4s then bettering my start technique i got a 14.3 then a 14.2

also bens civic has very good terminal speeds the thing definately shifts and has potential to get the times down

Id like to think so mate. Just not the easiest car to get off the line due to most of the power being over 6000rpm. You need to give it alot of revs and keep em up, but without lighting the wheels up.

But as they say, Practise makes perfect. More runs next time me thinks.

I would have to agree that a Cup is quicker but not faster than a CTR. I have had the pleasure of going game on with a standard CTR from 1st all the way through to the shift light in 5th! - 1st was about the same, pulled in tight towards the end of 2nd, alongside in 3rd, and the gear change from 3rd - 4th took me past. 4th was about the same but when 5th came he started to pull and catch. he went past about 135ish. When I showed the shift light in 5th (about 142 on the clock), he was about 2 cars in front. We were both 2 up and agreed the race was fair.

Have also raced one with a zorst and filter. Pulled up alongside in 3rd but this time he pulled on me 4th and 5th. About 4 cars by 135mph. I was 2 up and he was on his own. Fair play tho.
