Mine's crap, and Renault either can't or won't fix it properly. And I mean serious expensive problems like the gearbox. Its barely up to the Clio's Sport's power, so its fragile. Along with a bunch of other things in the car like wheel bearings and lots of other bits and peices. So I started a thread on another Clio Sport forum looking for other people to be part of a class action suit to sue Renault for its crappy design and poor build quality that would affect all of us's 2nd-hand value, not just those who actually had as many problems as me.
To be honest there weren't that many people who'd had enough problems that they wanted to get involved. But that said, a lot of people didn't want to get involved because they thought the publicity would do more harm than they could get from Renault. And the majority opinion wasn't that the Clio Sport is well built car, it was that its quick and cheap, so you can't expect it to be good too. Two out of three is apparently as much as most Clio sport buyers think you can expect in a car. So be warned. Its quick. And its fun. But there is a chance the car you'll get will have serious problems. And its probable that it will have a series of non-serious problems. And if you're lucky you won't have any.