182 and 172 are the same, its the 182 cups that differ, but only at the hub bolt spacing(iirc)
the top cap isn't supposed to touch the body
According to Fred
This thread has a few tips, filing down bits or adding spacers.
Do you have any pics of how the top mount is sitting?
Is it too high to shut the bonnet?
Have they always been like this or is it since some work was carried out?
cheers mate think i mite try grindin em out do u have this prob???
They do sometimes sit away from the body work depending on what position the car and wheels are in.
If it's on a flat surface with the wheels straight then they should be the same.
When you took the springs off did you make sure everything was put back correctly on the mount under the turret?
the cap DOES NOT touch the body
r u sure doubt it should be wobbling bout mate
If it's off centre and not seated right then the only solution is to take it apart again and check everything over as you put it back.
could it be the shockers coz wen they were apart i pushed em all the way down and they dont come back up again.
That sounds like a fooked damper.. it should have some resistance.. not just push down and stay down...