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172 insurance prices .......

now i know that this has been done many a time before but this time its for my benefit lol , i am due to change my clio for the above in march and i have 1 years ncb in march , no points or crashes etc and with elephant i have been quoted around £1700 - £1800 thats with my dad as a named driver and my gf on there too , oh in march i will be 20. what are you paying and who is it with etc how old , ncb ? etc etc all the usual questions, particularly interested in people around my age obviously.
many thanks Justin.
Im in your position, clio 1.2 16v, to swap for a 172 in feb this year when i will be 20 is £3000 fully comp with elephant, that will be with 1YNCB, needless to say im not paying that much!
  Clio 172 Ph1
Come renewal time in April my premium's going to be about £800 or so, fully comp, with 5 years protected no claims. Thats with an SP30, and 2 accidents (1 own fault, 1 none fault, both claimed).

Oh and I'm 23 now, will be 24 in April, and that's with Tesco insurance.
  cock mobile.
Mines £750, 2years NCB, no points, 24 next month, driving for 6.5 years.

It was £1400 last year though with 1 year NCB.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
mine is around £700, 7yrs ncb, 1 sp30, fully comp, 8k miles a year, mk2 172, lowered, tints, exhaust, uprated brakes, f spoiler, r spoiler, i'm 24, guaranteed ncb with elephant
rob_willow said:
Im in your position, clio 1.2 16v, to swap for a 172 in feb this year when i will be 20 is £3000 fully comp with elephant, that will be with 1YNCB, needless to say im not paying that much!
so it apears that my quote for 1700 to 1800 is a good price then yeh ?
  182 and 5 GTT
My quote was £1700 fc on a 172. 19, 2years no claims, 2 years driving and my mum on the policy. My 182 costs me £1470 fc with 2 years no claims and driving 2 years with mum on the policy. Those were from elephant and bell.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
I pay £800 FC, 3 points (sp30), 1 accident claim (at fault) with 2yrs NCB,
No mods Im 22 and been driving 5 years,

Renewal premium is gonna be around £600
  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
yeah sounds good.
im 19 with 2ncd and a 182.
paying £1100.
worst postcode and car parked on street.
  Racing Blue 182
Trojan said:
Come renewal time in April my premium's going to be about £800 or so, fully comp, with 5 years protected no claims. Thats with an SP30, and 2 accidents (1 own fault, 1 none fault, both claimed).

Oh and I'm 23 now, will be 24 in April, and that's with Tesco insurance.

how did you pull that one off? we dont insure 172's unless you are 25 or over
cliosport1.216v said:
so do u think £1700 ish is a good price @ 20 with 1 years ncb ?

Yes that seems about right, try tesco and virgin. Virgin don't charge for paying monthly.

I'm 21, 1 yrs NCB, 3 yrs + driving, no accidents etc on a MK1 172 = £1300
  Black 172 MK2
at 20 i was 3 years ncb 3 years driving no accidents and im on £1300 with brake upgrades and lowered with adrian flux :D
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
i changed my 1.2 to a 172 my policy was 500 and went up 800 so thats 1300 am 24 1 years ncd.

if u want it bad enough u`ll get it, but be warned after you get a 172 u`ll never wanna go slower again so get used to high insurance and trips to the petrol station.....................alternativley you could buy a nice sensible diesel volvo and a driving cap n gloves naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
im 21, 0-ncb
i pay £800 on my dads insurance with elephant
they quoted me £1700 on my own
So im going on my own next year, no matter what, i need to get some no claims under my belt
25, 5yr NCB, Fully comprehensive, everything declared, kept on the driveway, unlimited miles £540 .

All because I stuck with a 1.4 for 3 years ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Pink Cup Racer
Missus just renewed.

26yr, 6 YNCB, no pts or accident, lowered and exhaust declared, 150 excess (low) gaurenteed hire car, protected NCB, and me on the ins. 6 pts and 20k theft claim. 650 with Admiral, Tesco renewal wanted 940 (theives).

Without the bit 600 and without me on 560, with 450 access it wa just over 500 quid....!
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
the 172 is cheap to insure compared to the sunbeam lol!!

I've always paid high insurance so Im used to it now
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Afternoon all,

Just a quick note, if you are the main driver of the car and insuring in your parents name, then this is termed as a fronted policy with insurance companies and should anything happen (hope not) the underwritters will look into the claim and null and void your policy and you left with nothing!! Just to let you know really as i work in the insurance trade and all insurance companies are now investigating young named drivers on policy with high insurance groupings
  172 Cup
03 Cup - Fully Comp. 38 y/o no points & bangs etc £340.
You watch I'll crash it now while speeding..!!!!
  Half stripped mk2 172
I'm with tesco, last year i paid 1200 tpft, with nil ncb, 24yrs old, and 250 excess.

This year 842 tpft, 25yrs old, with nil ncb, think this should go down though as i will have 1 yrs ncb, and still 250 excess.

I think its quite good considering....

well i checked out the virgin site and they wont insure me , so i double checked elephant and they said £1749.85 fully comp, me 20 yrs old nearly , dad named driver, gf named driver. on the drive at home over nite. 8k miles a year. 1yrs ncb.

not bad hey ?>

bell = 2.5k
adrian flux = 2k
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cliosport1.216v said:
well i checked out the virgin site and they wont insure me , so i double checked elephant and they said £1749.85 fully comp, me 20 yrs old nearly , dad named driver, gf named driver. on the drive at home over nite. 8k miles a year. 1yrs ncb.

not bad hey ?>

bell = 2.5k
adrian flux = 2k

wait untill your 21 and greenlight will insure you for a grand
  R35 GTR
mine is 890 basic plus 70 for viper,smt6 and a bit of colour coding on grill.

1NCB 1 year driving 24 years old.
I just got quoted on a 172. £2800 ish, thats in the North west in the outer suburbs, which i thought was a good area.
Just tried my brothers Postcode in loughborough, same quote details, £1700

20, 1 yNCB, passplus, fully comp What a ripp off!
  Megane Trophy
this may sound silly, but comparing prices is like comparing penis lenghts!

There all different based on the person!!

Postcode, job, miles, ncb, age, car kept, owners clubs, previous cars all has a massive impact on the insurance. The only thing i suggest is just trying to ring everywhere!!
Thats what i did for my corsa, no one would insure me as its was a 200% power increase over the standard model.
Keith Michaels a broker in surrey did, and im still with them - ask for Gary Moulson hes a great chap and may be able to sort you out a deal!!
