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172 Track Car

  Clio 172
Usual thing, I'm new to this forum after buying my first Clio. Firstly like to say thank to all the people I've bought bits off so far, everything's been bang on! Little bit about me and the reason for buying the clio. Always been into cars, work in the trade and around a year ago a Caterham Roadsport 160 kseries came into work as a PX, I loved it that much i ended up buying it, changed loads of things on it, went from black to pearl white, wheels and tyres, momo wheel with rapfix quick release, FIA roll bar and full clear lenses! Although it started with a good spec, 4 pots, LSD, bilstein suspension and loads more. Took it on track at cadwell and had the best time ever! First time on track, had a few twitchy bum moments but thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I ended up selling it 2 months ago as i had other things that needed my money! The house comes first unfortunately. Once i was straight i wanted to get back on track, this time i didnt have a fair chunk of money to chuck at it! One night on the laptop i found out that clio cups seemed to be the car to go for, so within 30 minutes of looking at Autotrader, id rang a small trader and left a deposit on one! I am quite impulsive!

And this is it, 2002 172 with 65,000 miles on the clock. It came with no service history but for what i paid for it i was more than happy. I knew id be changing the belts and giving it a full over so i wasn't bothered.

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I picked it up 3 weeks ago on saturday.

Thing ive already done:

stripped the car
removed sound deadening
fitted some team dynamic pro race 1.2's in black
fitted corbeau revenge seat
fitted short shifter kit
removed fog lights and wiring
removed xenon headlight washers and fitted carbon blanks
silvertec bulbs front and rear, clear side repeaters, white side light bulbs
fitted door straps
painted top and bottom grill gloss black
purchased coilovers
purchased rear strut brace
purchased 182 boot floor (no weight reason behind just prefer the look)
purchased some material for door cards
purchased sablet 6pt harnesses

Plan is as follows:

cambelt/dephaser/ac remove/pas remove
fit coilovers and other bits i have
tidy/strip wiring as best as i can (not looking forward to this at all)
paint interior iceberg silver
flock dash
T7 heater
new steering wheel
poly windows
exhaust thinking oreca or something decat stealth
roll cage
new brake pads/brembo discs
r888 when these tyres are done

I fancy painting the front bumper, rear bumper, skirt, moulding and spoiler black, but we'll see. I wanted to start a thread so i can work through my list of things to do and hopefully help a few people out that are going to do what im doing.

1st issue :( wiring. Can i literally remove all wiring regarding seat belts and airbags, i know about the resistors, its just box infront of the gearknob uch???

And the heater, this is coming out, same question can i remove all wiring for this too?

Sorry for the essay, i usually ask a lot of questions too so ill keep them all to this thread!




  Z4, VW172, R26
Welcome to CS mate. You don't hang about. Look forward to seeing you at some point
  Clio 172
Thanks mate! I've been reading your progress thread and the chaps before yours, unbelievable build! If mine turns out half as nice I'll be happy!


  Z4, VW172, R26
Lol which car are you talking about? 172 20vt I'd guess but I've got an R26 too and a ph1 track car.
I'm useless on the spanners so I look to buy completed projects... wish I had the time and the skills though.
  Clio 172
Sorry I should have said which one lol. Tbh I'm not bad at doing work myself but I work 6 days a week and 1 weekend off a month so I struggle with time, only get evenings on the car, and the mrs hates that! I do like projects though I've got to admit, I like it when everything comes together.
  Clio 172
Just a few pictures to show how the cars getting on, fog light surrounds are getting painted. Had the suspension set up and camber sorted, gone for -1.5 on the fronts and 0 toe. Rear beam was pretty even so I've left that how it is. Took a few badges off, pulled some of the lauqer off so I've put the novice sticker on, why not! Private plates been fitted and also the rear strut brace. All the dash is out, doing something a but different, progress pics on that are below too, good and bad comments welcome, I know the plates illegal!

  Clio 172
Cheers mate. The 182 boot floor will be going in this weekend fingers crossed along with the dash were slightly changing too. Still need to sort wiring out though, keep putting it off!
  Clio 172
Picture of the nearly completed dash, only gave it a quick dusting of texture paint to see what it looks like, may get it flocked at a later date but for now it will be fine..


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  Clio 172
Been a long time since ive updated this thread, been busy both at work and with the clio. The dash is in, not 100% happy with it, it will be getting flocked in the near future, but for now its fine. Sourced a ph1 indicator stalk for when i change the wheel. Got half cage off ebay for 188 delivered which i didnt think was bad, so thats in. Fitted the futuras with the sabelt harnesses. Also picked up a cup spoiler so that was on the list to paint and fit. Painted little bits like the wing mirrors and nearly completed the interior with hammerite. 182 boot floor is in and really happy with it. Also fitted a ktec stealth which is a massive improvement over the previous exhaust..





I managed to get hold of some euro spec 2118's. They were in desperate need of a refurb so i set about rubbing them down in my garage ready for paint. They arent perfect but for a track slaag im more than happy with them. Fitted 25mm spacers on the front and 15mm on the rears, whats peoples thoughts...too much on the front?


As for the tyres i thought id try the nankangs (ns2r's) so far im really happy with them to say they cost £65 a corner. While the wheels were in i wanted a few more bits painting, here's the outcome..








Things ive got waiting to be fitted:

Brembo HC Grooved discs
DS3000 Pads
Brake fluid change
Polycarbonate windows
front and rear lightweight door cards
renault sport stickers (sill and 1/4 panel)

Apart from tidying wiring up i think that will be it for the summer, i need an abs ring and a track rod end, slight juddering when going round a left hander. Looking forward to getting it on track next month, havent decided where yet.

Comments and criticism welcome. Thanks for looking.

  Clio 172
Thanks mate, i know the feeling, even little bits all add up, i dread to think how much ive spent! This started off as a budget track car, i then realised i dont do budget so well! Best not to keep track of it!
  RenaultSport 172
Not sure about the black side skirts but that white interior looks brilliant. Would love to do my interior the same!
  Clio 172
Yeah I know a lot of people won't like the black but it's not my daily and for what it cost me I thought why not! Bit of advice about the interior, I used smooth hammerite and brushed it on, if I ever did it again I'd probably use halfords appliance gloss white and spray it on, probably cost the same but give a better finish...
