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172cup quote, yay!

25/2yrs NCB + 1 named driver.

My Quote: £700.34 fully comp. 1st one I tried in a long time as the last time I tried it was over £3k.

That was with direct line, so I'm hoping with alittle tweeking and shopping about I can get that down more. Norwich union can fun off they couldnt quote me happy, same quote was still over a grand.

My 1.2 was £840 for the 1st year, the renewal this year again with directline was £282. lol! The joys of being 25.

The best quote was for a R26 :) £1020.00. One more year to go before I think its worth getting one!
You must stay in a very nice neighbourhood! I just paid almost as much as that and I am 36 with 7 years NCB. Direct Line wouldnt even insure me lol.
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Greenlight don't insure Cup's anymore. Sorry but thats partly my fault! :D Sowwwy!
  172 cup
green light wrote to me and said the too many cups have ended up in single car accidents but they would insure a std 172 if i were to go an get one of those - bit late for that though !!

Im with admiral 2 yrs no claims £623 1 named driver and its parked on the road - Im 28 though so maybe that makes it cheaper - it has business class 1 on it though ....
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Ahhh thats ok then, mine wasn't single car. I took 2 others with me. Woo. f**king Corsa's! ;)
You must stay in a very nice neighbourhood! I just paid almost as much as that and I am 36 with 7 years NCB. Direct Line wouldnt even insure me lol.

ouch, not that nice. I moved down from York last year and they put up the insurance by £150 odd as it was a higher risk area than York.

I'll try bell next methinks.
