Quote: Originally posted by kennyg on 23 June 2005
I dont know how everyones insurance is so expensive!
Im 29, no NCB, my 25yr old fiancee is on as a named driver on our 182cup, and im paying 440 with elephant, and was quoted 444 by belldirect.
The car is kept on the driveway, with 10000mls per year and only a 250 excess.
Has the postcode got a lot to do with it?
[Edited by kennyg on 23 June 2005 at 1:46pm]
Kenny............postcode does have something to do with insurance................but mostly its age..............in insurance terms youre old (no offence intended) and accepted as being sensible..............we (like me) are young and accepted as being not very sensible..........thats the way it looks in insurance terms to me...............and I might only be 21 but Im VERY sensible thats why I pay £2500 for insurance eh

...............but thats for a V6.
Cya Stu