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182 knocking from engine

  RenaultSport clio 182
slight knocking from top of engine poss from front of cams area when 182 has been ragged abit and is at idle.sounds odd but it sounds like a horse waliking on concrete.????? any1 know of any thing common. only done 1200 miles.
  MY10 R35 GTR
i aint the only one.. think you'll find if its at idle its the tappets.

My car does it at idle. onlt doen 350mls. not revved it abouve 4.5k. I'm just trying to find out if its just the nature of a renault 2l or if there could be a problem.

But since ur pretty much answering my question its all good.

How u findin the car??
  RenaultSport clio 182
yeh finding the car awesome. u will be doing good if ucan run it in without giving a good caneing. I dont fink it is tappets, i work for BMW and never heard tappets make a noise like this but hey first time for everything.i gonna try popping into renault 2mora just 2 get sum1 2 have a quick listen b4 i go booking it in. ill let u know any outcome.
  BMW M3
Is it more like a ticking noise?.... go to the drivers side front wheel arch and listen... if the noise is coming from there it is a release valve. Mine does this and always has... very common if not intentional. (i think)
