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182 Overheating....but no sign of head gasket blown ??!!

  clio sport 182
Our 182 is overheating.We top up the water regularly and there is no loss of water when it is stood still overnight for example.Upon driving,water is getting lost somewhere and causing the engine to overheat. First thought was head gasket but having looked at oil filler cap it's perfectly residue at all. Can anyone suggest anything else it might be ? Can it be head problems without creating creamy mixture on oil cap ?? Any suggestions would be appreciated.:S


ClioSport Club Member
Shagged water pump?


Air lock from all that new water you've put in?

Sounds interesting, interested to see others thoughts on this one...
  182 FF, A6 Avant
Water pump about to go. It let's water out when it's hot. Fill the car and then let it get up to temp on the drive. If you see water coming from the front on the belt side then it's almost certainly the pump.
  clio sport 182
Water pump about to go. It let's water out when it's hot. Fill the car and then let it get up to temp on the drive. If you see water coming from the front on the belt side then it's almost certainly the pump.

Bingo...just tried that mate.Sure enough,water peeing out on belt side.It's booked into garage tomorrow afternoon so we'll see.If it's the water pump,are we looking at much cash ?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Bingo...just tried that mate.Sure enough,water peeing out on belt side.It's booked into garage tomorrow afternoon so we'll see.If it's the water pump,are we looking at much cash ?

cambelt kit, water pump, coolant, labour...

I hope there's plenty of overtime at your work! lol.
  clio sport 182
Same place I always take the cars.They actually did the timing belt about 10k ago,but obviously not the water pump !!
  Megane dci 130
182 water pump is driven by the aux belt. So just an aux belt kit (£60 plus vat) new pump (£40ish) coolant and 2 hours labour.
  clio sport 182
Thanks for that shepperdspie...Only 2 hours labour ?? I thought the water pump was dead awkward....front bumper and headlight off etc etc !!
  Mk2 Ph2 172
I love the way people know about there cars on here lol

Yes as above not a major problem replacing the water pump on these
  182 FF, A6 Avant
I was being quoted around £230-£270 for the pump replacement job. I don't believe this included the aux belt kit though.

Glad you figured out what it was though :)
  A.N. Other
Most places will just look up the length of time their service manuals say it should take & quote based on that, hence the price not varying much. Mine does - over the years he's had a few jobe turn out easier & made some money on his time, on others i've got a damn good rate when it's taken much longer :D
