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182 RS - Cruise Fault

  PH2 RS

I am writng from Turkey. First of all sorry for my bad ing.

My problem is that,

A while ago, I noticed that my car's cruise control is not working.

When I push the button down, orange symbol is lighting and when I press on R button on the steering wheel, car is limited the speed.


When I push the button up , the green symbol is lighting but when I push the R button on the streering wheel , car is not set the speed.

Do you have any idea what should be happened?


ClioSport Trader
'R' stands for return to limit speed/cruise speed.

So if you have switched between 'limiter' & 'cruise', you will need to set the speed using the '+' button before it will hold your speed on the 'R' button.

Hope that helps.
  PH2 RS
Sir Dave,

Thanks for your attention but I tried all variations and buttons are working but still not set the speed.

Is re-map can occure this problem or not?
