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182 spare wheel

  GW Clio 200

Does the 182 come with a spare wheel or not, I have read conflicting dealer said that it does, but they dont tend to know anything


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Well my dealer gave me an extra manual wallet to store them in.

not sure

Hmm, I think Id rather have my full-sized alloy from my 172 than a can of foam, cos never mind the puncture, a can of foams not much use if you want to replace a kerbed wheel.


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by jon_r on 23 March 2004

call the AA man.
cant do that with a 182 as the Renault AA cover no longer covers punctures or running out of petrol or anything non warranty!

Got no foam with mine that I am aware of??

Looked everywhere, found a jack?? Getting confused now, although it would make sense to jack the car up to fill a tyre with foam. Will have to get onto the dealer tomorrow. Wasnt this the same with the Cup, they should know about this surely.
  GW Clio 200

Quote: Originally posted by dave182 on 23 March 2004

cant do that with a 182 as the Renault AA cover no longer covers punctures or running out of petrol or anything non warranty!

How much does it cost to get upgraded then, if you can do that ??

  Trophy 263 + 265

doesnt that get you home spray knacker the tyre so it cant be repaired?

dont see the point in useing it if its going to cost you over a £120 notes to replace after a punture.

anyone/used got any comments on this stuff?:confused:

Quote: Originally posted by .:xTreme:. on 24 March 2004

Do you get mats with the 182 ??? if not Ill take the one out of my Cup before I hand it over :)

the important things in life ay lol

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  911 GTS Cab

the foam may or may not knacker the tyre depending on whether you want to pay to get it remover but i have been informed that it is not recommended to repair a V rated tyre as it is too great a risk for the speed rating, so really you might as well use the foam as you cant reuse the tyre, although apparently you cant foam it if the damage is in the sidewall of the tyre, not sure why?

probably the same reason you cant repair a puncture on the sidewall, due to the stresses and movement in them it could be prone to total failure which would be dangerous to say the least
