have got a knocking noise coming from the front of my car when i take my foot off the accelerator in traffic in first and second.
When I move forward in traffic and then take my foot off the pedal, the car rocks forward (which i know is normal) but when it does there is a single knock from the drivers side front and it happens as the car seems to move its weight towards the front. It doesnt happen anywhere else, not on bumpy roads or speed bumps, only when the weight is shifted forward when i take my foot off in traffic.
Is this a common 172/cup/182 problem, should i be worried (because i am at the mo, i am doing a lot of miles and cant get to a garage until next week!) do i desperately need to get to a garage or am i just going to have to get used to the noise because it is a common fault?
please help as i am a worried man with my nice new car!