After work on Saturday I decided the clio needed a really good clean, I havent got any pics of the car before but what i was concentrating on the smaller particles on the paint. I started by being a bit brutal, using TFR to rinse any dirt off. I then transfered the car into the works vallet bay (handy to have one of those at hand) and dried it off using some blue roll and a microfibre cloth. Then it was on to the clay bar. Now I've already tackled the rear 1/4's before so they wernt too bad. But the roof was abismal, Running your hand over over it you could feel just how bad it was. After 4 bits of clay the roof was glass smooth, then there was the matter of the rest of the car, so an hour later and every panel had been clayed and was ready for a coat of polish. I used Auto Smart Mirror image (the stuff work buy) as i didnt want to use up all my polish. I set about working on the roof then moving down the car. This took me about an hour and a half but the results were fantastic. It was then onto detailing, so some turtle wax black in a flash gel was applied to the plastics just to make them look at bit better. Autoglym fast glass helped clean the windows inside and out and an areosol polish for the internal trim. A quick hoover and the inside was complete. Then i got a bit anal. I got the wet and dry out for the exhaust tips and the number plate light (it was a bit yellow). The number plate light took me about 5 mins to rub down the surface and give it a wash. The exhaust tips however took a little bit longer as the soot was really baked on.
I spent about 15 mins on each tip to get them clean and shiny
So al in all i spent about 4 hours and i would of spent more but the salesmen wanted to go home. i think it came up nice: