Right, am on the verge of block booking this for 10 weeks.
Price is now at £3.60 per hour, per person as they've realised that James' Student card ran out a year ago ...
Obviously, with this costing me £360 on day one, i'll need £36 each from all regulars (below) on the 1st day of playing, for all 10 weeks.
1. Dave - confirmed
2. Ollie - confirmed
3. Mike - confirmed
4. Nick - confirmed
5. Vish - confirmed
6. Bigman - confirmed
7. Hallam
8. John
9. John+1
10. John+1
If, once you have paid for your 10 weeks, you dont turn up to a session, unless the space is filled, you wont be getting a refund im afraid.
After all the people have paid up, I suggest that if other people come along, they still pay the £3.60, & at the end of the 10 week period, any 'profit' is either re-distributed amongst all players, or put towards the next 10 week period.
This will all be noted down, & provided (if necessary) in spreadsheet format.
FailSport football is a non-profit making organisation