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Jared's SSS

Hi guys, so earlier today I headed off to Cardiff and picked myself up my new car!
It's an 07 plate Suzuki Swift Sport (SSS)
I got it at what I think is honestly a good price. I P/X'd my 172 in for £1000 to end up getting the swift at £3,500.

It's only got 49,202 miles on it when I picked it up and honestly I think its mint, The interior looks brand new and the paint is class too.
It's just had a service just 1000 miles ago, so all new tyres and spark plugs ect so it really runs great. Quite punchy low down too which is a suprise honestly.
Just being a 1.6 it really does shift and its quite nippy, the handling honestly feels better than my Clio but that's down to be being a dick and getting bad springs lol

Not going to be a long thread as I don't intend on modding the Swift that much as.
But what I'm thinking of doing is just making it looks fresh, so new wheel bolts and refurbing the alloys but keeping it OEM colour.

Actual mod plans are Whiteline ARB, front strut brace, an exhaust (Milltek do a great sounding one) and maybe some 20mm drop springs just to clear the arch gap.
Maybe get some Recaro's for it too as the seats are pretty thin and I'm not the slimmest.... at all haha

Here's the bad photo's anyway.
I will be getting more tonight as my mate is coming out in his newly purchased VTS so he will want to take some pictures too.



And its got twin pipes so it's like practically a 197. lol

Re: Jareds SSS

Thanks again!
Yeah Rhys its firm but not crashy unlike my 172. I've heard it with a Milltek and it wasn't too loud or raspy which is what I like. Just a nice deeper subtle tone.

Honestly it was money and annoyed at it.
Insurance for the 172 a month was about £250. So with the SSS the insurance is a lot lot cheaper!
I just wanted a newer car too, im working from home now so I don't want to be paying loads for a car that I only use on weekend or if im going to the shop. Having the 172 paying £250+ a month and not driving it for over 2 weeks is pretty much burning money.

Edit: Thanks Cub, I've can actually go to the post office now so I'll send the blanks asap lol
If I had the balls I would SC it, but its nothing I'm prepared to do at this time lol


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
£250 a month?! Fecking nora.

Great cars though Swifts. There's a really nice black one with the sports kit on it that goes round town here. Looks lush!


ClioSport Club Member
No no no Jared they sound horrible. Properly gutless with the miltek. A friend had one and it was disgusting.

Not sure what other options there are but they have to be better.

As for the money side of things I understand. I could insure one if I was happy to pay £200+ a month but no way can I justify that. Instead I've got another 1.2 Clio as of yesterday.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTi DSG
I think these have really aged well, still fresh despite being a few years old now. I'm not sure I'd use the phrase, "Really does shift" for one though. I know extremely little about these cars but I'm guessing as its a 1.6 its probably 120bhp and 1100kg? In anyone's books, that will not shift, it'll just move nicely lol
£250 a month?! Fecking nora.

Great cars though Swifts. There's a really nice black one with the sports kit on it that goes round town here. Looks lush!
Yep, I'm an idiot for paying that I know haha, It drives so well too.

No no no Jared they sound horrible. Properly gutless with the miltek. A friend had one and it was disgusting.

Not sure what other options there are but they have to be better.

As for the money side of things I understand. I could insure one if I was happy to pay £200+ a month but no way can I justify that. Instead I've got another 1.2 Clio as of yesterday.

Fair enough then, I seen other ones on youtube and the Suzuki forum but they are way too loud for me.
I was happy to pay it at the start as I was driving 40 miles a day and I lived in it, Starting this homeworking it just feels pointless to pay it so I'm really chuffed with the swift so far.
I didn't want to jump from Clio to Clio to be fair.

Edit: Zed you're pretty much spot on, 125hp ;) lol
I meant it shifts meaning like doing from a 2.0 to a 1.6 I was expecting a lot less but it surprised me. It moves nicely yeh lol


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Very nice mate. Great compromise.

I think the Fiesta is a tad better inside, the Swift felt a tad bare and I would have looked at insuring a Fiesta ST as it's half the cost of a 172/182 to insure and in the ballpark figure wise.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Not really my cup of tea, but then again I've never even sat in one let alone driven one, lol.

Does look bloody tidy though! Looking again it does look pretty funky from the rear.
Awesome cars. Probably the most fun 'normal' car I've driven.

Very friendly too. Anyone can jump right in and be throwing it around after just a few miles. Supercar hard ride, but f**k it.

Good choice.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
If the Nurburgring folk rent them out in their dozens they can't be a bad car.
Thanks again everyone :)
I don't honestly like Fords that much Gally, Everyone has an ST round by me and I just never been to fond of them tbh.
Yeah Liam its just an awkward angle, It doesn't look as flat in person anyway haha

Thats pretty much what i've been doing ///M lol, was out all last night in the rain just throwing it around and getting used to the car.

haha thanks Ginge, I know im repeating myself but it really has shocked me with how it drives and how big it feels from the inside too! Also keyless entry is boss ;)
  RB Clio 182
That looks like a very nice example mate, i think they look great, although they could do with being a 2.0l.

Someone has one in my town the same colour, it sounds and looks great, he has debadged the back too which really suits it tbh.
That looks like a very nice example mate, i think they look great, although they could do with being a 2.0l.

Someone has one in my town the same colour, it sounds and looks great, he has debadged the back too which really suits it tbh.

Yeah I know, They would've been amazing. Glad you brought that up too, i'm unsure on I should debadge it at all or just the suzuki part. Hmmm

Looks good mate, solid build quality as well i'm led to believe!
An interesting read for you;

Thanks :)

Bloody hell I bet that car took a battering! I seen a youtube video where someone goes around the town near the ring just in 1st and 2nd lol.
Gutted they didn't show the mods done to it too.
  Suzuki Swift Sport
None at all haha.

Trying to find springs that wont affect the ride is turning out to be a pain and an exhaust with a nice tone but not too loud is a pain too, the other forum im on is bloody dead, about 17 registered members on at one time :( so will be joining somewhere else soon lol.

Hi - I have one of these, had it over 2 years now, I put Eibach springs on mine and there is no harm to the ride quality, in fact I think it rides better, it is a little firmer but soaks up the small bumps more if that makes sense!

Also just got Powerflex wishbone and roll bar bushes to go, just waiting for some Hardrace droplinks to be delivered!

Edit - this is a pic of it with the springs on



South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Not surprised that the ride is a bit firm - have you thought about replacing the rubber bands with actual tyres ?!


Might be worth going a profile up, to get a bit of comfort back :eek: They 40s or 35s !?

Apart from that - looks mint.
