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Project172 - Obsessive Details Track Toy

Ok so we have decided to buy a Clio 172 Cup ph2 for track days, we managed to get this bargain...


We pick it up on Tuesday so expect this thread to be very Pic heavy lol.

According to mycarcheck it is a cup, my insurance company have it down as a cup off the reg and it's been sold as a Cup?

Is there anything I should look out for when picking it up that will tell me it's a cup or not guys? I'm new to the clio gang lol


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
This is a cup...


They also came in Blue;


Cup's dont have xenon headlights, ABS, half leather seats or a split folding rear seat.
Most cups have no Aircon either but some came with it so don't rely on that.
Cups 'should have miltispoke Speedline turini wheels too.
What's the situation with the spec on your car?
We have bought it at a salvage auction, it's not a write off tho, police seized so comes with keys and is still hpi clear.
We don't pick it up until Tuesday as its quite some drive away for us.
We only paid £485 for it tho so cup or no cup it's still a steal haha .
It's getting fully stripped and track prepped etc anyway so don't suppose it matters really, it's also got the half leather so that rules cup out I guess .




ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
That's a Parallel import. (No alarm sensors and no led by the gear stick)
Most of them got registered as Cups because mainly the DVLA had no idea how to deal with JamJar/Motorpoint et al importing thousands of cars every month.
As you say though, for what you're doing to it, it matters diddly squat!
Thanks for clearing that up guys.
We will defiantly lerking around the forum for advise from time to time.
As soon as we get it Tuesday ill et some better pictures, and kept track of our progress.
Any advise or input for you knowledgable members would be great.

We have just signed up to become traders on here, and I've set up a GB as a bit of a welcome for some custom waxes.


ClioSport Moderator
Welcome along! Cup or no cup, given your plans it's largely irrelevant.

Mine started life as a non-cup. Now has everything a cup had / didn't have and significantly more.....
Hi guys, I'm the other owner of this car with Ant. As said we got it for a price which was too good to turn down and with the plans we have for it I don't suppose it matters that its not a cup as it'll be getting fully stripped etc.

Its good to see there are some knowledgeable people on here though. That'll probably help when we are no doubt bombarding the forum with questions tgroughout this project haha.
Finally got it back in the flesh. Was late last night so pics Arnt great guys sorry.
Finish work today so tonight/tomorrow day will start getting it stripped


Excuse the steel wheel, had a blow out on the motorway on the way back, we were towing it on an A frame, luckily we had taken a couple of 13" steelies from the scrappers.


Paints seen better days but we will be giving it a good clean and machine polish. Then some protection.




Managed to get it up on the ramp and make a list of what we need/want.


Basically full service to start with after doing some research from various posts on here we got an idea of what oils/parts to use,
Any advise on this would be great.

The need list
Bottom ball joints x2 (12mm?)
Engine oil (Fuchs race pro s - 5w40 - 6L)
Gearbox oil (ELF 75w80NFJ - 3.1L)
Oil filter
Fuel filter
Pollen filter
Plugs 4x (NGK-PFR63 iridium gap 0.85-0.95)
Brake fluid (ATE Super blue racing fluid)
Timing belt kit
Dephaser Pully

The want list
2x bucket seats
2x harnesses
Steering wheel Boss
Steering wheel
15x7j - cb60.1 - 4x100 - et35
Track tires
Induction kit
182 exhaust manifold
Port matched Inlet
So today we picked up a couple of parts for the project.
Some cheap track wheels with tires,


Tires are Dunlop Formula-R D01J's
And a 182 exhaust manifold

Also managed to pick up the bits of a cup to delete the aircon properly.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Good find. I was contemplating 15's but have bought three (need one more obv) ao48's in 16's. If you happen to come accross one, pref the lts type, let me know :)


ClioSport Club Member
You can get the lower ball joints separately from Euro Car Parts, GSF, etc as Renault only sell them with the lower arms at £60 each. If your needing new bushes though, Renault lower arms come pre-bushed. Depends if yours are knackered or your planning on upgrading to poly bushes.

I'd also look at a polybush dogbone/lower gearbox mount. £30ish and one of the best cheap mods for the 1*2's.
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Cheers for the reply Dr Jekyll, water pump got added to the list when we were pricing stuff, as you said it makes sense to do while doing everything else.
We have an account at Euro so everything's getting picked up tomorrow and started Saturday
How much was the 182 manifold? Is it a pain in the ass to fit? As the manifolds are in the "wrong"part of the engine bay lol
Picked it up fairly cheap mate they are usually around the £100 mark.
Guessing there will be some scrubbed knuckles and a lot of swearing while fitting it haha. You also need a link pipe from the 182 manifold to the 172 rear section.

The list is getting smaller

The need list
Timing belt kit £73.43
Water pump £15.45
Aux belt £17.68
Dephaser Pulley £115.95

The want list
2x bucket seats
2x harnesses
Steering wheel Boss
Steering Wheel
Induction kit
Port matched Inlet
Bought some cheap seats and some decent harnesses and a decat for the 182 manifold




Removed inlet to find what looks like head work?


The ports are the same size as the gasket is this standard on 172's?

The lists are getting slowly smaller even though a couple of things have been added/moved around. Timing belt, water pump and aux belt should be here tomorrow so we can crack on with a/c delete, and build it back up.

The need list
Timing belt kit £73.43
Water pump £15.45
Aux belt £17.68
Cat Back exhaust
Induction kit
Engine mount

The want list
Steering wheel Boss
Steering Wheel
Plastic front door cards
Handle spacers from CMComposites
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