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A full stainless steel racing exhaust "Made in France"

  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Sorry I copy this topic here because I think it's a better place for it than the sub-forum "media" ;)

So, hi mates & fans from the other side of the Channel and from the others parts of Europe and the world, why not ? ^_^

I think, I'm sure even, that you don't know the little craftsman who made the exhaust of my Clio 2 RS mk1 & all the little firms who made haughtiness parts of racing and rally car in France for fans as us and all the various championships in France and in Europe

INOXLINE is the name of the little craftsman who made the full racing exhaust in stainless steel of my Clio 2 RS1

INOXLINE makes racing exhaust by adapting it to what want his customers, it's pratically its own home-made exhaust :)

This line is a magnificent work to be seen but also very successful because since its assembly my Clio 2 RS1 has better performances :)

It is an exhaust type "Group N" of rally championship in stainless steel with a diameter of 6 centimeters (2.36 inch)

It consist of :

- An racing catalyst with 200 cells

- An intermediate line with silencer

- An hidden exit with a diameter of 7.6 cm (2.99 inch) (I wanted a "invisible" exit ^^)

To indicate that I can mount simply by screwing it, a "decibel killer " which decreases especially the sound in the high regime of the engine

Really England is closer of INOXLINE than me becausee I lived in "Provence" in the SouthEast of France and INOXLINE is situated in the NorthWest of France ^^

Thus if some are interested to know their address and phone number to join the boss of INOXLINE, you can ask to me that here by PM ;)

The Catalyst 200 cells







The intermediate


The Hidden Exit





The decibel killer


Sound with the decibel killer


Sound without the decibel killer


Sound inside without the decibel killer for a 60-100 kmh


Sound inside & outside without the decibel killer for a 0-100 kmh



I have this exhaust for 1 year and half about now ;-)

- The exhaust after the catalyst, the intermediate + the hidden exit + the decibel killer that we can mount or not mount --> 630€

- The Catalyst 200 cells ---> 390€

It can seem expensive put not to forget that it's not an industrialist but an home-made racing exhaust hight quality which is unique for each customer ;)

The main page of the website of INOXLINE -->

The main page of racing pieces for all the brands & builders cars possible --> http://inoxlineperformance.pagespers...marqueauto.htm

The page for Renault & Renautl Sport --> http://inoxlineperformance.pagespers...ageRenault.htm

VOILA ! :p :D


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
The exchange rate isnt too hot at the moment, so its looking quite expensive.

Looks a really nice bit of kit though
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Hum, 360€ = 284.5£ and 630€ = 498£ thus for the full exhaust --> 782.5£

Quite expensive yes but like I said before it's not an industrialist but an home-made racing exhaust hight quality which is unique for each customer

Like we say in French "La qualité se paye" = about in English "The quality is more expensive" or "If you want the hight quality you must be ready to pay a higher price" :p ;)
  Fiesta ST-3
I looked at an Inoxline exhaust for the 197, web sent an email to the company and they were very helpful and replied straight away. It makes such a good sound.

But for the money they wanted, they were bordering on Supersprint prices and hence why I chose Supersprint over Onxline.
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
I looked at an Inoxline exhaust for the 197, web sent an email to the company and they were very helpful and replied straight away. It makes such a good sound.

But for the money they wanted, they were bordering on Supersprint prices and hence why I chose Supersprint over Onxline.

Speak for your own opinion mate but sorry for me an INOXLINE exhaust is a better racing exhaust than an industrial SUPERSPRINT, even if I suppose I amaze you or I shock you to say that ^^ ;)
  Fiesta ST-3
Speak for your own opinion mate but sorry for me an INOXLINE exhaust is a better racing exhaust than an industrial SUPERSPRINT, even if I suppose I amaze you or I shock you to say that ^^ ;)

What case do you have to back up that they are better exhausts?
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
What case do you have to back up that they are better exhausts?

Better quality & better performances (even if it is not much more of course, INOXLINE made racing exhaust for real racing cars in real competitons in France and in the whole Europe & it is not a fate) and even for me ^^ better sound :) ;-)
It always confuses me why people think the company making REAL race car exhausts makes them better
They didn't make the Clio cup race car exhausts - and any research they've done on power delivery for other cars has no benefit whatsoever to a clio
  Fiesta ST-3
Better quality & better performances (even if it is not much more of course, INOXLINE made racing exhaust for real racing cars in real competitons in France and in the whole Europe & it is not a fate) and even for me ^^ better sound :) ;-)

I think you are being biased as you are french.

Just because supersprint is a mass 'name' that does not instantly make the exhaust a worse product. Looking at the pictures you have posted I would say the supersprint is of better quality and in regards to getting better performances I bet Inoxline do not do the below.

Unlike the countless competitors Supersprint has seen come and go, since 1955, Supersprint does it’s homework on the dyno, the street and the track. Our extensive knowledge has been earned on thousands of cars around the world.
This knowledge provides Supersprint with the uncanny ability to extract power from engines when other exhaust manufacturers can only produce higher noise levels. Supersprint products are developed around scientific knowledge not assumptions.
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
I think you are being biased as you are french.

Just because supersprint is a mass 'name' that does not instantly make the exhaust a worse product. Looking at the pictures you have posted I would say the supersprint is of better quality and in regards to getting better performances I bet Inoxline do not do the below.

And I think you are being biased as you are english or brit ^^ ;-)

After for the sound I said "For me" ^^
Because of course "Tous les goûts sont dans la Nature" (google translator mate ^^) and sorry again but I dont like personnaly this sound from a Supersprint and I prefer the graver sound of my racing exhaust INOXLINE
it was my own choice and I asked to have a graver sound to INOXLINE because we can also ask to INOXLINE to have a of precise tone (specify) which we want ;-)
  Fiesta ST-3

And I think you are being biased as you are english or brit ^^ ;-)

After for the sound I said "For me" ^^
Because of course "Tous les goûts sont dans la Nature" (google translator mate ^^) and sorry again but I dont like personnaly this sound from a Supersprint and I prefer the graver sound of my racing exhaust INOXLINE
it was my own choice and I asked to have a graver sound to INOXLINE because we can also ask to INOXLINE to have a of precise tone (specify) which we want ;-)

Supersprint is Italian... I'm Welsh no Bias. I am not knocking the Inoxline to be a bad system but you can not state it is better than anything else without facts to back up your case.

I'm finding it hard to make any sense out of what you're saying so lets leave it there.
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
My subject here is not really to compare the builders exhausts and my opinion with this of the others members, like I said in French "Tous les goûts sont dans la Nature" ( = about in English "It takes all sorts to make a world" ^^) and fortunatly I would not love a world where all people would have the same opinion in all! OMG NO!! ^^

Here I give and I present my own experience on my INOXLINE full exhaust (especially because I suppose that more members here don't know this little French builder of racing exhaust) and sory but it's a very good experience in all for 2 years now :D

The boss of the garage where I put my RS1 sometimes is an ancient driver of the French National Rally Championship in the 70's & the 80's and his son "Mathieu ARZENO" runned in 2010 in the Junior WRC and run in 2012 in the same French National Rally Championship
His experience on rally cars is not to be proved thus

When he saw my INOXLINE exhaust, to resume ^^ :

"Whaooo, it's an exhaust magnificent, I rarely saw a racing exhaust with a so high quality and so well finished!
Who makes that? "

PS :
At Scott
Mate I dont said to your own "I think you are being biased as you are French", my "I think you are being biased as you are English or Brit ^^", thinking to your point of view on an Italian builder but to your point of view on a French builder ^^ ;) :cheers:
