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Abandoned Vehicles Thread.

Sarah - how come the 5's just been left there ??

How do you forget about a 100k+ motor? Leaving an RS200 is criminal...
Madness, on a side note I saw one the other day, it was yellow on a K reg. I used to see it years ago. It was on the road not left though.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Craig, the fuel pump went on it about 10 or so years ago and Dad never got round to fixing it so she got put in the corner!
In fact it must be more than 10 years ago more like 15.

Its criminal really, and I really want to get it up and runnign again but funds just wont allow me to.
Pmsl, what a ledge !! It probs only cost a few quid to fix too. Like you say though, the underside of it is probs knackered:(

It would be a good resto car though !


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Yeah it would be, we're planning on taking her and the others out and concrete underneath them.
  Formally Clio 182
Awesome thread.

I've seen a couple of motors in Basingstoke which have been abandoned for a while. One is a really old truck with moss and plants grown all over it and the other one is a Vauxhall astra which is only like 3 years old parked in the shopping centre multi-storey car park for about 2 years. Had a clamp on it for most of that time as well lol.
  Inferno 182
Great thread this. I used to see this 5 on a old peoples complex,it sat there for about a year as the old couple were no longer able to drive,when i got round to ask if it was for sale,a family friend had just sold it on ebay for a nice bit of money for them,they had had it for years and loved it

Anyone know where it is now?
  Inferno 182
Yeah the old lady always said it reminded her of the car crying,iirc it was low mileage as when built it was put into a museum of some kind for a few years and then they bought and said it was like one of the family bless them,it was in the midlands but i believe it went somewhere south
I used to be at the airfield/circuit where they film all the time as i used it myself. The cars are just dumped in a corner.
:eek: @ the Top Gear cars.....

Would have been better to have auctioned them off. They would have made an absolute mint to collectors, and the money could have probably gone towards a worthy charity.
  Tappd'd RS
:eek: @ the Top Gear cars.....

Would have been better to have auctioned them off. They would have made an absolute mint to collectors, and the money could have probably gone towards a worthy charity.

So true - better than letting them rot.
All the top gear car seen above bar James Herald are now in an exhibition at Beauliea national motor museum saw them a few weekends ago.
