i personally think u should not rely ur a** on ABS.
of course its a great implement on cars. its not dat clever though...
when the road has little bumps.. @ least a bit of a second ur tire is floatin on thin air. Now, if ur brakin while this is happening... ABS comes into action and makes THIS LITTLE bump a HUGE thing, coz obviously braking takes more distance til it stops.
what i mean is... for this little bump the ABS activates for like 4 secs, when u really need it only for half a second. a bit slow to recon what goin on
ive had some of this scary moments when i come up with a road in these conditions while brakin and a car in front of me. if it werent 4 the ABS, i would stop normally. but it activates and i need to steer immediately so i dont hit the car.
i think they (manufacturers) should come with an idea to IMPROVE the system
yet it is a great life saver and tool to keep ur car controlled on the most extreme situations