It does look good with the standard cup wheels on those apex. Car is looking good mate
I reckon my dent guy can get out your bonnet dent, however it looks like the paint has chipped which he is unable to sort out
And Tom moans, but he never ends up selling up lol
ahhh yeah its chipped the paint right through

so ive touched it up with touch up paint to hide it a little lol, think im gunna have to purchase a new bonnet and get it sprayed to match

reckon it wont be cheap either

rb bonnets seem rare to find and will take ages to find one :dapprove: yeah haha he wants to sell it but the relises how much he loves it lol dont ya tom :rasp::rasp: yeah car is getting the slowly but surely

matched inlets and the panel filter then get it mapped and body work doing and it be to where i want it
Lovely looking car!
Also love the other cars in the last posts.
I got a few pics of yours at FCS -
Thanks, Sam!
Lol thanks. Being broken and put back to standard in August if you want some bits. Get your car round mine for a proper clean
oh you seriously selling them ? oh what parts will you be selling

and yeah when you off work next and il bring it over

excuse the dent on the bonnet though lol
thanks for the side on pic mate! need to get me some apex's now!
Have you got cup struts/shocks?
lol apex aint as bad as people make out :nono: def should get them mate sits perfect height imo and yup standard shocks and struts
Also the rear of your car looks sick !!!!! More pics please
haha it does in deed just need to clean the tailpipes and give it a nice polish :rasp: ahhh yeah il upload some more soon got few more on me phone :approve:
Hey Adam,
Nice car

haha thanks Adam :rasp:
Cheers mate. How are you finding the system? Is it as loud as a yozza?
im loving it mate always getting compliments from people saying it sounds really nice

its not as loud as a yozza but got told its the closest il get to one (sound) il try get a video of it uploaded for you mate although a video wont do much justice