OP, as mentioned, think about the background to your shots. Try different angels (high, low etc.) to 'force' the required background. If this is not possible, shoot wide open (lowest f stop) you can to make the background as blurred as possible. This will be harder on a none SLR due to the small sensor having massive depth of field though. The 1st ones you posted aren't 'artistic' at all, mearly record shots.
The interior shot is okay, but there's mess in the car. Clear this sort of thing out before taking the picture.
The zoomed in windmill pic is in theory nice, but the air quality has rendered the image far too soft to really be of any use. The zoomed out ones are poor to be honest. The subject is far to small in the frame. As a rule of thumb, never put the horizon in the middle of the frame. Try for 1/3rd or 2/3rds. Tilt the camera down, putting the windmills in the distance with a rock for example in the foreground would have been okay.
The best pic for me is the tower, although you have cropped too closely, missing the top of the aerials off. The image should have a bit of room to breath or to see the context. What you have done well here though is to get the horizon 1/3rd up, and to have the metal barrier start in the corner, which leads the eye into the image towards the tower. The vertical lines are straight and parallel to the image edge too, which is good. Upping the saturation a little would make the colours pop a little more - something you can try in Photshop/Gimp/whatever.
The last pic is not too bad, and could be improved upon by cropping the image so that the the subject, as with horizons above, is 1/3rd along the width of the pic, so basically cut off a quarter of the left hand side, and 1/5th of the bottom if you see what I mean.
Overall, not bad as a first effort. Some good ideas - keep trying