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Alpine iDA-X001 or Alpine CDA-9857R

Right, I'm after a means of playing my Ipod through my headunit.

I want full control through the HU, steering wheel control compatability, zero visible wires and a hidden Ipod.

I've narrowed it down to the following 2 units:
Alpine iDA-X001

Alpine CDA-9857R

As I understand it the 9857R should do all of the above right of out the box, including bluetooth, CD playback and CD changer Control.

However, I really like the idea of being able to control my Ipod as I would in my hand with the X001, I think it looks great too. But, after reading many posts on here (yes, I searched) it requires an adapter for the steering wheel controls and doesn't seem to be compatible with CD Changers and I think I'd miss the CD playback for the times when the GF and I go for a day out somewhere and burn a random CD for on the way - but then i've just thought, use her Ipod.

Which sends me back to the 9857R, but I do love the looks of the X001:rolleyes:

Can those of you with either of the above confirm/disprove my beliefs and provide some user feedback.

Specifically: X001 owners - How much do you miss CD playback? Can you connect a CD Changer?
9857R owners - What is the Ipod control like/ease of use/speed etc.?

Thanks for any replies,
the Ida is immense, definately going to be the headunit im getting.. means no cds cluttering up the car etc.. perfect


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
ive got the IDA, it is a fantastic headunit would deff. recommend :D


Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Ive just got the 9855 and love it tbh. Couldnt be without a cd player for when you sometimes just chuck one in randomly.

The ipod control on it is excellant as it is also the full speed connection
ive got the IDA, it is a fantastic headunit would deff. recommend :D


Do you know if it's possible to connect a CD Changer? Link above seems to suggest that you can...

Ive just got the 9855 and love it tbh. Couldnt be without a cd player for when you sometimes just chuck one in randomly.

The ipod control on it is excellant as it is also the full speed connection
Does look good. Much prefer the display and menu over the 9857. Another option to consider.

Would any of you be able to take a picture of the IDA menu without an Ipod connected to it?

Ah, the same menu layout as the 9857, but more features and full speed connections.

Right, after a bit more reading it seems the IDA is CD Changer compatible which could be a way around playing CDs and the 98**s require the SWRC lead aswell - my bad for not reading to the end of the description :eek:
  Lotus Elise 111R
IDa is 100% perfect! Easy to use, no cd's cluttering the car, and if you like your iPod use, nothing can beat it's interface, very very fast.

Mine was £300, inc steering wheel controls and fitting, iPod in glove box.

Oh, and no, never missed a cd once!
  Clio E-Tech Alpine
iDA is definitely the way to go! Awesome stereo. I've got mine wired up to the changer that is mentioned in the Alpine brochure, so I have the best of both worlds!

The changer fits neatly under the drivers seat, and comes with all the cables you need in the box, there's only actually one anyway from memory.

I would also note that the iDA etc are designed for new generation ipods, and you lose sound quality and functionality with the older ones, i've tried both so I know from experience!
is the ipod cable on this head unit pre wired or is it a plug in at the back.
i have looked on the alpine site and the rear connections shows a usb type and another full speed type.

does any one have the bluetooth box wired up with this head unit?
dont know how it wires, im guessin it was usb but i never installed mine, had the audio place do it as it was free.

you can have a cd changer put in, but why?? when me and the girlfriend go for a long drive we make a new playlist before we go out and have that playing on the ipod.

the sound quality is AMAZING on the ida, especially when the speakers are amped. if your considering the head unit, dont, i did consider it for 2 months, but then went ahead and bought it wen i had very little money and dont regret it for a second!!!

im really annoyed right now as i have a courtesy car and mine is in the garage with my ida in it. it is dearly missed
the sound quality is AMAZING on the ida, especially when the speakers are amped. if your considering the head unit, dont, i did consider it for 2 months, but then went ahead and bought it wen i had very little money and dont regret it for a second!!!

Don't say that - i'm super skint as it is and i'm already very tempted. Insurance, car loan, eye surgery loan, phone, rent, 172 to fuel and a CC make for a very poor me when i'm on a diabolical wage as it is- :(

Ok, I think IDA wins. I can't put its looks and great reviews anywhere, where they don't find me. I'll try and put if off for as long as possible, but if I find one at a good price, or in a good deal, then it might find its way into the car.:eek:

Cheers for the help.
