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Any decent camera phones coming soon?

  Mini Cooper S sport
*sigh* I'm so fed up with waiting for a decent phone to come out that does what I want.

Is there ANYTHING coming soon which'll take good pictures (for a phone)? I also want a touch screen and nothing too massive.

I was waiting for the Samsung i8910HD to be released on O2, but I actually saw one the other day and the thing is HUGE.

I was then wondering whether to wait for the Samsung Pixon12, but 12 megapixels on a phone cam is just ridiculous and only guarantees giant pictures, not good quality.

Help meeeeeeeeeeeee I hate my stand-in phone so much :(

Don't say iPhone please.
  Silver 182
There's a Samsung out there with a very decent 8mp camera...not sure about the phone but have seen the camera and it is very good.
  Mini Cooper S sport
Never understand this, just buy a camera?

I've already got a fairly good Olympus 8mp point and shoot, but I have my reasons for wanting a decent camera phone - mainly that there are many occasions when I don't want to take a camera AND phone with me.

I really liked my K850i because it took decent enough pics when I wanted, and it had a good flash for night photos but there must be better camera phones now.

Why have an iPhone? Just buy a computer and a cheap mobile phone.

There's a Samsung out there with a very decent 8mp camera...not sure about the phone but have seen the camera and it is very good.

Yeah I think I know the one you mean, but it's been out for a while. I just wondered if there was anything better in the offing.

People want different things from their phones, I like having a good camera on my phone, that's all - and that doesn't mean 10 squillion megapixels.


  04 Clio 16V Dynamique
A colleague at work was excited to receive his W995 last week..8.1MP Camera on it. Came with nifty speakers too.
Personally, I'm more than happy with my iPhone. But that thing wasn't a bad bit of kit.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
new iphones camera despite only being 3mp takes decent pics, shame it has no flash but the pics on it are much better than the 3mp suggests, mp is only a very small part of what makes a good camera tbh.
