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Anyone had the Microsoft Beta payout email???

  Nike Lunar Elite's
Got this from a mate this morning, apparently it was featured on 'Good Morning America' and is the real deal. Nothing like this ever is though. Says that Microsoft send you $245 for every person you send this email to over a 2 week period.

Is this for real?
$245 for EVERY person? So 10 people will cost $2450. Say, everyone knows 20 people.. $4900.

Say, 10000 people do this (probably way more..)


So, those 10000 sent it to 20 people each.. thats 200000.

Now, those 200000 people send it to 20 people...

Then, Microsoft have no money ;)

They might be rich, but not that rich... ;)
  Nike Lunar Elite's
I just wondered what the people who start these things actually get out of it though? I mean what is the point in starting something like this?
  R35 GTR
hydeyho said:
I just wondered what the people who start these things actually get out of it though? I mean what is the point in starting something like this?

waste network bandwidth, and maybe to build a list of valid email addresses that sell for loads to companies.
  Golf GTD
like the one about hotmail closing down.

or the baby that will be given a dollar for every email sent on.
