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AP02 *** Norwich 172 or 182

thanx shaun only saw it from the front! it was a lady driving it n it was silver. went past me too quickley for me to see a cliosport sticker.
  Focus ST3 + proper Mini
Mine will be sitting on the forecourt of CastleGate Seat from Thursday :(

Never been spotted yet in 3 years
hellsbells said:
thanx shaun only saw it from the front! it was a lady driving it n it was silver. went past me too quickley for me to see a cliosport sticker.

A lady in a 172?? I'll keep my eyes out for her! Only woman i ever see in a Sport around Norwich is in an Inferno 182

Anyhow, still never spotted you around Norwich either :dapprove:
I see loads of 172's / 182's about in Norwich, but no-one ever seems to have a cliosport sticker. The only people i ever spot who come on here are Karlos Fandango in his V6 (well, its a little hard to miss!), and Phil in his 182.
