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Apple MacBook.....

  57 Clio Campus Sport
Re: Apple Mac book.....

I would say no. For £100 more you can have brand new design with Snow Leopard instead of just Leopard. And if you know a student who doesn't mind ordering it from apple you will get it for less than £700
  Clio mk3 1.2 Extreme
Re: Apple Mac book.....

^^as above get the new one. Once you've got the student discount will work out about the same. Im a mac user, got mine about 6 months ago and the change from windows to mac is the best change. Once you go mac you never go back.

Have a look at these lil helpers:
Re: Apple Mac book.....

I've recently bought a 17" unibody MBP and I have to say it's the best laptop I've ever owned. Stunning design, stunning quality. The OS just lays the smack down on Windows. It's a joy to use. Right now I'm in dark room, and the backlit keyboard is just sexual chocolate.

Epic machines. I can't ever see me going back to a Windows based laptop for everyday surfing and wanking.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Re: Apple Mac book.....

I've recently bought a 17" unibody MBP and I have to say it's the best laptop I've ever owned. Stunning design, stunning quality. The OS just lays the smack down on Windows. It's a joy to use. Right now I'm in dark room, and the backlit keyboard is just sexual chocolate.

Epic machines. I can't ever see me going back to a Windows based laptop for everyday surfing and w**king.

is this your first MB matey?

I think i am going ot get one in the new year too as my laptop is dying... Purely for the coffee table surfing etc.

Mine spends most of its time on my lap... will it heat my crotch up like my current laptop?
Re: Apple Mac book.....

Yeah it's my first Apple computer. I'm bowled over by it. As I say, the quality is immense. Far higher than even the best of 'normal' laptops I've used. The touchpad is amazing.

Sure, I use it on my lap all the time and it only ever gets warm. It's also very quiet, and the battery lasts a good 5+ hours of surfing, which is amazing for a 17" fully featured machine.
  57 Clio Campus Sport
Re: Apple Mac book.....

My MacBook seems to get quite warm after about an hour, but never sounds like it's working too hard
Re: Apple Mac book.....

I was in Apple today, and had a proper play about with a couple.. What's 'so much better' about a Mac? Genuine question..

I think I will try one next as my laptop is a pile of shite now.. I was really tempted by the desktop though!
Re: Apple Mac book.....

Everything about is nicer. The feel of it. The quality. Nice screen. Backlit keyboard is ultimate win. That's without mentioning OSX which rocks.

I won't buy another PC.

Do you not find 17" too big for your lap, Roy?
Is it not strange getting used to a Mac, with all the different buttons everywhere?

Hmm... Laptop or Desktop..
Yup. Everything is nicer, and everything just works. Now, not in a minute. Now.

The tactile feel of using one can only be appreciated in the home over a few days. They're not even that expensive when you consider you can pay far more for a tip top Sony Vaio which, whilst very nice, cannot match the MBP. All the software is better, too.

Example. VLC. Swipe two fingers across to scan through a video. Swipe them up or down to adjust the volume. Just Alpha in every way.
Minimize/close are opposite corner and there's no right click, but other than that, you soon get used to it.

Depends what you do. If you want to surf sat infront of the tv, in bed or take it away on the rigs then get the MBP. If you want 27" of pure epicness, get an iMac.
Minimize/close are opposite corner and there's no right click, but other than that, you soon get used to it.

Depends what you do. If you want to surf sat infront of the tv, in bed or take it away on the rigs then get the MBP. If you want 27" of pure epicness, get an iMac.

Aye, I actually don't have anywhere to put the 27".. So I guess it would be the MBP for me.. Probably the 15" I think?

Does the Apple shop haggle? Can I get anything thrown in?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
5 hours battey life? with actual use not just sat there? that is pretty epic tbqfh. so i could watch YT or iplayer for 5 hours?

I honestly find that hard to beleive! wow!
I also love the way two fingers scrolls through, documents, finder and Safari, and 3 fingers goes back and forth. When I use a Windows laptop now, it feels like an abacus.
5 hours battey life? with actual use not just sat there? that is pretty epic tbqfh. so i could watch YT or iplayer for 5 hours?

I honestly find that hard to beleive! wow!

I would say easily 5 hours of surfing in battery mode. I've never tried it out, but I've been surfing on medium screen and it's said 5+ remaining.
5 hours battey life? with actual use not just sat there? that is pretty epic tbqfh. so i could watch YT or iplayer for 5 hours?

I honestly find that hard to beleive! wow!

Same! My HP Laptop actually dies about 10seconds after I unplug it.
I'm treating my battery nicely :eek: so I use it, charge it, use it.. Don't leave it plugged in.

67% currently with what it says is over 3hours left. Mint.
Same as that. I rarely leave mine plugged in. Mostly I use it on batts for an evening, charge it, unplug and go to bed. It doesn't need to be on mains, as it lasts a whole evening of surfing on battery.
Couple of more questions,

Do students still get discount? If so.. How much?

Do they come with the equivelant Microsoft Office?

Is there any music making programs? (Would like to plug my drum kit in..)

Is it easy enough to 'sync' all my current laptop contents over?
Roffle, just unplugged mine and it says 7:31 remaining. That's ultra portable low power laptop territory, not 17" desktop replacement.
Couple of more questions,

Do students still get discount? If so.. How much?

Do they come with the equivelant Microsoft Office?

Is there any music making programs? (Would like to plug my drum kit in..)

Is it easy enough to 'sync' all my current laptop contents over?

Yup. Some get 10%. Some get 15%. Depends on the Uni.

Nope, but there is 'Words and numbers' that you can buy or open office which is free.

Yeah, Garage Band. Never used it so no idea what it's like.

Yup, it asks you that when you start it up if you want to import things.
  6/468 17poo
Im in the other boat ive had a mac for a year and trying to get Traktor Scratch Pro to use with my decks ive got the programme just need the sound card and the 12" blank vinyls!

Easily best computer out bros just got one too, over a grand but they WORK!
Re: Apple Mac book.....

I would say no. For £100 more you can have brand new design with Snow Leopard instead of just Leopard. And if you know a student who doesn't mind ordering it from apple you will get it for less than £700

shows how much I know then! can anyone link me to the one I should be looking at then ?
  Revels Mum & Sister
Re: Apple Mac book.....

I've recently bought a 17" unibody MBP and I have to say it's the best laptop I've ever owned. Stunning design, stunning quality. The OS just lays the smack down on Windows. It's a joy to use. Right now I'm in dark room, and the backlit keyboard is just sexual chocolate.

Epic machines. I can't ever see me going back to a Windows based laptop for everyday surfing and w**king.

Knows mate! Seriously thinking of changing our Macbook for a Unibody.

We have the same one in the link posted. We bought in the States must be 4 years ago now. Still going strong. Battery needs replacing now. But 4 years is damn good for a battery!
