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ARRRGGHHH. I hate you Renault


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Putting my private plate on and it's a different colour red behind the sodding number plate!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Coz my plates a cut down it'll look s**t! Well it won't but i'm picky about that sort of thing! arseholes!
Save the paint on those Naff cups not on 172's please ;)
....are you sure your car hasn't been resprayed at the front?
When they arrive new (pre-pdi) the bumpers are all one colour...
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Bumpers brand new come with an even coat all over, I have NEVER seen a new bumper not completely sprayed, i'd say you had a respray at some point!
  106 GTi
Sounds like a lazy arse bodyshop job to me, seen it a few times where they cant even be bothered to take the plates off first.
could just be a decent bumper off another 172 that was a different colour. Will u notice it much mate??

what u shortening your plate for anyway?!!?! lol:)


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Aust1n said:
^to look cool huh al..

Nah it's to increase performance matey! ;) looks ok...Me and my old boy put the bak one on together, i was like is it straight...He said it was....."IS IT HELL!!! LOL...ah well s**t happens
when the car comes from factory every bit of it is painted,they dont leave bits unpainted just cos a number plate fits over it.

seems like its been re sprayed at some point.

not Renaults fault then is it really????????
  Megane Mk4
anyone ever thought it might be down to sun/element damage ?
Colour looses itself under bright UV stuff. especially under parts that the sun and rain doesnt see.. :)
  Yamaha R6
Nah it's to increase performance matey! ;) looks ok...Me and my old boy put the bak one on together, i was like is it straight...He said it was....."IS IT HELL!!! LOL...ah well sh*t happens



^^ I smell someone who works for renault!!!

When you pay good money for a car you expect the quality and service to go with it Stu_16v!!!
  Focus ST3 + proper Mini
I saw a brand new 182 in yellow in the local dealers and the grill and around the grill under the front bumper had miss patches all over it!! This was were they had just blown over the front and hadnt bothered to attack it from other angles.

So yes by all means blame the renault monkeys
you can smell all you like and your right yeah i do.

i wish i could control what other dealers do but i cant, i try to help on here the best i can without jepordising my job but it just seems all to easy to come on here and **** off dealers,manufacturer and the "idiots" that work on them. i wish some of you would come and see what its really like in a workshop, we dont have a magic tool that we plug in and it tells us the answer like so many think we do.


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Lol at the above...Blame renault, burn them all...
Nah to be honest i reckon the double sided industrial tape has literally pulled the lacked off now!!!! so it looks kinda patchy...I take a weeee pic, gonna take sum new one's tomo!


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Stu 16v said:
you can smell all you like and your right yeah i do.

i wish i could control what other dealers do but i cant, i try to help on here the best i can without jepordising my job but it just seems all to easy to come on here and **** off dealers,manufacturer and the "idiots" that work on them. i wish some of you would come and see what its really like in a workshop, we dont have a magic tool that we plug in and it tells us the answer like so many think we do.

Hummm....Fair fair point....Fcuking shitey crappy toss renault...employee's (Not stu 16v) ;)


Stu 16v said:
you can smell all you like and your right yeah i do.

i wish i could control what other dealers do but i cant, i try to help on here the best i can without jepordising my job but it just seems all to easy to come on here and **** off dealers,manufacturer and the "idiots" that work on them. i wish some of you would come and see what its really like in a workshop, we dont have a magic tool that we plug in and it tells us the answer like so many think we do.

Its fair enough mate, there are good people in the network. I always get my motors serviced by the same tech, even changed dealerships to get my car service by him. There are helpful people on here mate and to be fair Arnold Clark they acted quikly to try and resolve it, especially seem as its a saturday.
  Yamaha R6
Stu 16v said:
you can smell all you like and your right yeah i do.

i wish i could control what other dealers do but i cant, i try to help on here the best i can without jepordising my job but it just seems all to easy to come on here and **** off dealers,manufacturer and the "idiots" that work on them. i wish some of you would come and see what its really like in a workshop, we dont have a magic tool that we plug in and it tells us the answer like so many think we do.

lol.. I have friends that work there.. and in other dealerships.. I work in one myself.. I know perfectly what its like in the workshop thankyou..

And I own a renault.. because.. When everythings in order I prefer it to anything else.. I can also have it worked on knowing its been taken care of..

Chillax a little.. complacency happens alot.. there are plenty of dimwits that work at renault aswell as the reputable workers..
there are some good people in the network that actually care. i dont want to blow my own trumpet but i get several customers asking for me to specifically work on there car of which im proud of.
i see it happen in the dealer i work for and i will quite happily say my peace to them about it to try to get them to understand but i cant change everyones outlook on respect for someone elses property.


Stu 16v said:
there are some good people in the network that actually care. i dont want to blow my own trumpet but i get several customers asking for me to specifically work on there car of which im proud of.
Dont work in NW do you?? Think the guy who did mine has left renault now.:(


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Decent renault workers are few and far between imo, Hell the last one i had was called "Dick" Says it all! pmsl!


^ You can see the discolouration.

Bak's ok apart from the holes, but i'll sort that out tomo.



Stu 16v said:
i see it happen in the dealer i work for and i will quite happily say my peace to them about it to try to get them to understand but i cant change everyones outlook on respect for someone elses property.
Its upto renault management to change the culture imho!! Thats if they want the brand image to continue to improve. Renault have strong sales at moment, but will the customers continue to return?!


Looks good with the plate. Bit of T cut not improve it?? (not takin the piss eiver lol)
You'll able to tell if its pulled any layers off as the surface will be tatty. Looks to me that either the laquer has been pulled off with tape as you said or else someones tried to tart up the front without cleaning it properly. It's not bad though, in fact i had to stare at that pic to see it so i wouldn't be crying myself to sleep over it! ;-p
why . you are good enough to take or money and charge robbing prices for services . but i dont wanna moan .
  Abarth 500
Putting my private plate on and it's a different colour red behind the sodding number plate!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!
Coz my plates a cut down it'll look sh*t!
Well it won't but i'm picky about that sort of thing! arseholes!
Save the paint on those Naff cups not on 172's please ;)

Never mind the paintwork - you've already admitted what the problem is ;)

