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Assetto Corsa.... Where the hell are you guys, you're missing out!


ClioSport Club Member
@SharkyUK you want the original files for the clio v6? i converted it over if you havent realized lol

btw nice work.. !
Thanks mate :)

Yeah, I might just grab those files from you if you don't mind. I took the existing V6 model and reworked some of the mesh topology last night just to apply some smoothing groups here and there (to remove the faceted edges seen in my previous render). Here's the result...

  01 Clio 172 PH1
ok i will upload it later.. just got off work and not near a computer
you may as well send me the updated mesh so i can use it in the game lol


ClioSport Club Member
ok i will upload it later.. just got off work and not near a computer
you may as well send me the updated mesh so i can use it in the game lol
I can send you the mesh but I don't have access to any decent 3D software at the moment (away from my main workstation). I am literally using Blender and .obj files. The .obj files are obviously old and crap format but it's the only format I've had time to support/write software for at the moment (in terms of my rendering software). I can export to fbx I believe but I won't have preserved all the data that you probably need... it might result in more work as I've munged it to fit my own needs. I've changed the material properties, etc. too so you might not get the results you expect....! LOL! Plus there's still a couple of things I need to fix. Up to you though; I can send you the mesh at some point if you wish. :)

Christ that looks good!
I can't claim credit for the model but cheers :)

Thank you - will grab it asap.
  01 Clio 172 PH1
hmm dont worry about it then,..too much work for me to realign everything:tongueclosed:

the model is from forza ive been told

anyways i am redoing the clio 172 atm
cant get the body curves quite right with the vertice layout i had

plus im dropping off the real car at my garage for mot so hopefully i have more time to work on this
  01 Clio 172 PH1
Apologies for the whoring but some decent models on racedepartment. Wish I had more time to get involved 😧

these are really nice...keep them coming! btw you mustve redone or adjusted the uv? i don't think the original was this nice :cool:

don't know if its the model or your software, the circled bits are weird


ClioSport Club Member
these are really nice...keep them coming! btw you mustve redone or adjusted the uv? i don't think the original was this nice :cool:
Thanks mate. Regarding the UV's, I've not touched them at all. The only tweaks I've made are to the mesh (to remove duplicated verts and recalculate smoothed normals) and to a few materials (to change transparency, specular / shininess and so forth). My software is a ray tracer so it calculates accurate reflections, refractions and shadows. Maybe that helps add a little extra 'realism' to the images (although there's not much going on in them at the moment).

don't know if its the model or your software, the circled bits are weird
Yep - you are correct; those areas you highlight (and a couple others not visible in this render) need a bit more work. In reworking the mesh a few problematic areas popped up which resulted in vertex normal irregularities and mesh densities falling too low (in places where more fidelity was/is needed). The fog light surround also needs reworking.
  01 Clio 172 PH1
Thanks mate. Regarding the UV's, I've not touched them at all. The only tweaks I've made are to the mesh (to remove duplicated verts and recalculate smoothed normals) and to a few materials (to change transparency, specular / shininess and so forth). My software is a ray tracer so it calculates accurate reflections, refractions and shadows. Maybe that helps add a little extra 'realism' to the images (although there's not much going on in them at the moment).

Yep - you are correct; those areas you highlight (and a couple others not visible in this render) need a bit more work. In reworking the mesh a few problematic areas popped up which resulted in vertex normal irregularities and mesh densities falling too low (in places where more fidelity was/is needed). The fog light surround also needs reworking.

well since this is a a turbosmooth with 3dsmax and it should be better?

the model should look even better in renders/game if i put it through a tri-to-quad script then do a subdivision
but i can't be bothered :tongueclosed:
  01 Clio 172 PH1
I don't know what the process is mate unfortunately (and I don't have time to look into it) 😧

fbx export with the part structure + dummy objects to determine location, AC ksEditor to assign shaders to the textures, shader configuration, export as a kn5 file, done
  01 Clio 172 PH1
failed my mot...stupid airbag light came on during the i got failed report and the data i want in return...

why the front right/rear left side brakes better..i have no idea...sticky calipers? fucked bias divertor? ideas guys?



  • Screenshot_2015-03-11-02-33-41.png
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  01 Clio 172 PH1
good job sharky! unfortunately i don't have that much time to work on the clio as much as i'd like...
ive been working on the real one myself....
  01 Clio 172 PH1
lol honestly im just hopeless at modelling....its not all that hard but takes a lot of patience and experience
but im still playing with my real car so no time to work on this


ClioSport Club Member
This is meant to be coming to consoles at some point. Not sure if it's been mentioned already.

More good driving games for consoles :smile:.


ClioSport Club Member
Ignoring the 3D models and rendering I've talked about earlier in this thread, I've just started playing the sim/game. I haven't put many hours in yet (I don't have time unfortunately) but what a fantastic game. It might not have the visuals / audio of Project Cars but the handling / feel is a different league. This has pretty much made my mind up to get a sim-racing rig sorted next year in my man cave!

