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Auto wipes

  2003 clio 172 ph2
Did a quick search but cant find anything.
My auto wipers dont work at all, im guessing all 172s have auto wipers?
Dont think its a fuse couldnt find a blown one(in the dark) any ideas?


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
You have to put the stalk to position 1, and the car has to be a non cup variant.

just to check, have you got the sensor at the top of the screen?
  2003 clio 172 ph2
Didnt even think about checking for a sensor, it did have the window replaced before i brought the car might need to put a new sensor in.
  2003 Clio 172 long as you have the right window with the bracket to fit it.

i also posted a thread of what to do with regards to the gel pad that is also required

  SEAT Ibiza SC FR
If you stick the ignition on and then turn the lights on and off really quickly in succession does the car beep?
  2003 clio 172 ph2
Yea beeps at me. I think when it had a window replaced before i brought it they didnt put a sensor in as theres nothing on window
  2003 clio 172 ph2
Yep should be a sensor there!

edit: Looks like it may not support the sensor? Pretty sure mine has a gap in the black dots where the actual sensor is?

Maybe a windscreen fitted from wrong model!


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Can we just check this isn't a rare iceberg cup first?

Have you got any full exterior and interior pics of the car?
  2003 Clio 172
Its the wrong screen bud.....i had the same on mine.

Not even botchable to be fair. You can stick a sensor on to bring the auto lights back and settle for that if you want. I had mind sticky foamed on for a year or too until some lovely boulder spanked my screen. Then i made sure the right one went in.

p.s. you wont even have the zany anti sun coating btw.

And they are good if the gel is fitted properly....which it usually isnt, even from the factory.
  2003 clio 172 ph2
Havent actually got a picture of the car yet.
I dont think its a cup though. Ill post some pictures up tomorrow.
I think i may just wait untill a new screen then make sure it gets the auto wipers and lights.

Didnt know it should have auto lights and sun protection? Lol.
