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Avalanche - the reviews thread

This thread is here for members of the product test panel to submit reviews, pictures and discuss our snow foam, Avalanche.

An overview of Avalanche:

This Citrus Power infused foaming pre-wash solution is the perfect product to assist you in those winter months to loosen and remove road grime prior to contact washing, doing most of the work for you.

Avalanche was developed to fill a gap in the market, whilst many snow foams proclaim to remove dirt and grime prior to contact washing, many produce a great looking thick foam but don’t really deliver in terms of cleaning power and shedding road grime from the exterior prior to washing. We wanted to turn this on its head with Avalanche and that’s why we turned to what we know works and included our Citrus Power formula that has a proven track record as an effective LSP safe pre cleaner, to give a snow foam those same qualities.

Why start your wash routine with Avalanche?

Often over looked the pre-wash can be one of the most important stages in your wash routine to achieve a perfect swirl free wash. The use of Avalanche snow foam during your pre-wash will save you a lot of time and hassle as you simply spray on and let it work its magic. Avalanche’s citrus infused formula quickly sets to work removing any loose road grime sitting on your paintwork.

Using Avalanche:

Using Avalanche starts with diluting it down into your snow foam lance bottle. By rule we recommend an inch of Avalanche in the bottom of a one litre foam bottle and then top up with fresh warm water, and then a quick shake once the lid is on to ensure your Avalanche is correctly mixed.



Once mixed up its time to foam. Cover your vehicle from top to bottom with Avalanche ensuring that you foam all of those cracks and crevasses where road grime can often be found hiding. At this time its also useful to give your wheels and wheel arches a blast with Avalanche. Avalanche is the perfect cleaner for your wheels and arches if they only have light grime and are already wearing a coat of Mint Rims wheel wax.



Although Avalanche is not the thickest snow foam on the market it will cling on to your paintwork with ease releasing any light contamination such as road grime or dust that your vehicle has picked up since its last wash. In fact during the summer months some even use Avalanche on its own as a touchless wash to remove light road dust, by simply spraying on, allowing to dwell and then rinsing clean. However if your vehicle has anything more than light dust its a must to bring out the two buckets and give your vehicle a safe pH neutral wash using Lather car shampoo.


Another ace up Avalanche’s sleeve is engine bay cleaning…

Avalanche makes for a great engine bay cleaner on modern cars and motor bikes when mixed with Verso all purpose cleaner. The mixture of Avalanche and Verso insures a long dwell time and strong cleaning capabilities on modern engine bays. Simply foam your bay down ensuring you do not over saturate delicate areas such as your alternator. Allow this mixture to dwell for up to five minutes, however ensure that Avalanche does not dry out. If necessary give any heavily contaminated areas a quick brush over with our Hog Hair detailing brushes and then rinse away the grime ready for a layer of Dressle for that factory fresh look.


We look forward to hearing and seeing your experiences with Avalanche and results it leaves for you…

Happy detailing,

The AF Team
  E46 M3 & UR Quattro
Firstly, thanks again @autofinesse for this months sample of Avalanche.

I had a few hours spare this afternoon so gave the TT a quick once over.

Unfortunately, It wasn't hugely dirty following it's winter protection detail last weekend but anyhow..

Product in question:

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Filled the lance bottle with about an inch of Avalanche and topped with warm water,

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Lance attached to the Karcher, ready to go..

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Car coated and allowed to dwell for around 5 minutes..

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

The grime being lifted from the paint is fully visible here..

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

Finally rinsed clean with the pressure washer..

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

AF Avalanche Review
by Lawro1988, on Flickr

I have been using Avalanche personally for the last few years and it's the start of every wash routine I carry out.

I prefer it to other snowfoams available on the market due to it's fast working formula and long cling time allowing removal of heavy grime, especially during the winter.

Overall, it's extremely easy to use, fast working, wax safe and very versatile allowing it to be mixed with other products for different applications.

A must have product!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Hey guys, this product looks great, received mine the other day... thanks. But, I don't have a snow foam lance. I don't even have a jet wash atm, I take mine over the local Clean Park, any ideas how best to use this in my situation? @Auto Finesse
Thanks for the review Lawro and great pictures,

Also @kayzee try Avalanche through a pump sprayer or normal sprayer bottle as you would with Citrus Power ;)

On a quick note of the product testers, you have until the 19th November to complete this review, not the 9th!



ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Thanks I did hope that'd be alright! Meant to be a sunny weekend I might be able to get cracking on it :)
Thanks for the newest sample you have sent Auto Finesse "Avalanche"


Problem i had was i have recently broke my lance so had to use the next best thing the karcher detergant pot. Anyway i put just over an inch then topped up with warm water to the top. Avalanche smells just like Citrus power.

Car was filthy due to not cleaning for a while.




So i set about covering the whole car, and considering it wasnt through a proper lance it foamed up pretty nice and clung.




After around 5 minutes its still there not as thick but still clinging




Jet washed it off and what i liked about it was the way it sprung back to life with water agitation and started to work like Citrus Power. Bonus as its now does what two products do but in one bottle.
Shampoo and rinse then dry and voila done.


A must have product and thanks again Auto Finesse for the sample
Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Hello :smile: as previous mentioned I'm in the unfortunate position of no driveway and no personal jet was atm! So this testing was never going to be ideal for me. However I slapped some Avalanche in a bottle and head over to my local Clean Park to spray it over by hand and take photos like a nutter. Started off by putting an inch into my old test bottle, which left me with around half of the product left for another time...


I took a few snaps before attacking the beast...





As you can see the Clio wasn't that dirty to begin with! But that's usually the way what with the care I give it ;) and not many miles. Anyway, I went on to spray over by hand...





All this really made me do is get jealous of all those who have a lance! Still, for what squeezing my puny little fingers could manage I was quite happy with the results. You could clearly see a layer of foam forming over the car and taking little bits of dirt along with it. Some further away pictures after I'd aggravated it with a foamy brush...





Unfortunately no final pictures as it started pouring with rain after I got home! :( as it has been for ages. Overall I feel I've only see the beginning of what this could do, and I'm eager to give it a proper lance test one day. I have a long old drive next week as going on holiday so will use up the remaining of my bottle on a far dirtier car. Thanks again AF!


ClioSport Club Member
  Sunflower Ph1
firstly thanks again to @Auto Finesse for another product to review. good timing for me too as i was all out of snow foam, so good chance to try Avalanche, particulary interested about the citrus content and the pre wash ability.

excuse the brief nature and lack of after shots, i was loosing a battle with the rain, literally started to rain just as i finished drying it. Bet my neighbours were pi55ing themselvses.

So onto Avalance, described as a 'citrus powever infused foaming pre-wash' open the bottle and that lovely familiar smell. poured a generous inch into the bottle and topped up as normal.

The cars been negleted for a few weeks owing to a proper bout of man flu, so started with this.



blast all over with Avalanche.



seemed to be a reasonable thickeness and clung to the surface adequately.

left it to dwel for 5 minutes whilst I ran round and gave the wheels a quick clean.
still working away nicely


rinsed off


(excuse the rubbish PW, my Dads 'borrowed' the decent one)

finshed off


and 2 mins later


now I think this is Essance, which I believe was applied July/August so still just about standing up to the conditions and evidence of the 3 month lifespan.

So opinions on Avalance, definately will be buying a bottle, as im due another snow foam and after the pre wash the actual contact wash was less effort and the dirt definately less and lighter.

thumbs up from me

Thanks once again Joe and the guys at AF
