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B**tards! B**tards!

Yesterday, had to go with the in-laws to a family thing in St. Fagans, Cardiff. Parkd the car up and off we went. When I returned, I noticed all white paint scraped down the drivers side rear quarter as though some one has maybe left their door open and moved their car back.There are a few dents there for good measure too.......why why why?! It really fcuks me off. This happen to anyone else?
  RenaultSport clio 182
sorry to hear that mate b******s is there any cctv in the place you left your car if so maybe you can see who did it get there number . you got any pics ?
cheers guys. there were no cameras in the place. Would get some pics but it breaks my heart to keep lookin at it! I'll try get some later. Ppl just dont give a toss about anything but their own
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
I echo the 'b******s' sentiment! I have a small trolley dent in the drivers door, and 2 knuckle dents in my bonnet, one of which arrived 2 weeks after I bought my car and the other turned up 3 weeks ago, someone goes past our drive and punches my car on their way past. We also have a baby Clio (1.2) Fidji, she had only ONE tiny dent in the bonnet when we got her, she spent 3 weeks in the drive before we moved her, then we noticed there were now 7 dents in the bonnet, all knuckle dents, they would have had to come right into our drive to do this. Double b******s!
I know exactly how you feel, it's not nice to know that you take extreme care of your car, and are very careful getting into and out of it with other cars around, but other tossers just don't care!
You can see if you can get cctv footage, but the chances of getting them to pay up unless you take the to court is pretty slim.
Again, b******s!!!

Rant over. Sorry.

I really do feel for you.

P.s. Sorry for bad language but it really makes me angry!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yep, everyone's that s**t scared of the "where there's a blame there's a claim" mentality, that no one will own up and say 'sorry m8, I've just dented your car.'

Hope you get it sorted soon though!

  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
;) @ Steve.

I once saw a 'git' back into someones car in Tescos car park, they put a huge great dent in the rear wing and took off. I took down the make/model and Reg number and stuck a note under the dented cars wipers. Gits!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
DynamiqueDebz said:
I echo the 'b******s' sentiment! I have a small trolley dent in the drivers door, and 2 knuckle dents in my bonnet, one of which arrived 2 weeks after I bought my car and the other turned up 3 weeks ago, someone goes past our drive and punches my car on their way past. We also have a baby Clio (1.2) Fidji, she had only ONE tiny dent in the bonnet when we got her, she spent 3 weeks in the drive before we moved her, then we noticed there were now 7 dents in the bonnet, all knuckle dents, they would have had to come right into our drive to do this. Double b******s!
I know exactly how you feel, it's not nice to know that you take extreme care of your car, and are very careful getting into and out of it with other cars around, but other tossers just don't care!
You can see if you can get cctv footage, but the chances of getting them to pay up unless you take the to court is pretty slim.
Again, b******s!!!

Rant over. Sorry.

I really do feel for you.

P.s. Sorry for bad language but it really makes me angry!

Debz - not trying to make light of knobheads who did that to your car(s) but I remember visiting the BMW Import centre over near Immingham (?) years ago. The manager there said just how many Beemers leave the ship from Germany with bangs, dents, scrapes, etc that all get sorted out before being transferred to the showrooms.

To show us just how good they were, this guy slams his fist into the boot of a brand-new 5-series and clearly leaves knuckle marks on the surface. He then proceeds to lift the boot, remove all the boot liner, etc and with a set of tools that any surgeon would be proud to own - stes about removing the dent.

Within two minutes, he asks us to point out where the dent was. I simply could not tell where he had hit the car!

There are so many skilled people out there that can remove things like dents. It's just a shame that pr1cks out there do them on purpose on your pride and joy....:dapprove:

cant fault you @ debz. you shaould've used the well known headlock followed by the even better chinese burn to apprehend the culprit!!!!! Judo Chop!
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
I understand what you mean totally Darren, and I know that when I get the body kit put on I can get them sorted easily.
It just makes me angry when I hear about someone 'accidently' smacking into someones car and not owning up. It makes me even more angry to now some peope do these things on purpose.
I really do feel for Steve as it is now going to cost him money to put it right, and that is totally unfair! :mad: :mad:
Another thing that makes me want to scream is the fact, the police told us (after some young kids deliberately kicked a football repeatedly at my Hubbys Megane causing about £400 worth of damage) that being as they were minors (under 18) there was absolutely nothing they could do, and actually agreed that they could come back, smash it to pieces witha hammer and there would still be nothing they could do, even if they caught them red handed. That's just not right! :mad:
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
steve740 said:
cant fault you @ debz. you shaould've used the well known headlock followed by the even better chinese burn to apprehend the culprit!!!!! Judo Chop!

Lmfao. Believe me, the very next time I catch the little gits, I will grab one, put him over my knee and give him a damn good slap on his back-side. My arguement to the police will be that, if their parents had given them a few slapped bottoms (before the anti smacking law came in) maybe they would be less likely to damage proerty so willingly.I will take my punishment, go to court, pay the fine, and tell the judge that I am definitely 'not' sorry, and 'will' do it again if I catch the little gits! ;)
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Oh, forgot to say. I told the police I would physically restrain the little gits whilst I called the police for them to come and give him a ticking off. I was told that if I did that I could get done for 'potentail kidnapping'. :eek:
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
steve740 said:
The thing is debz, if you bend them over your knee, they may actually enjoy it, and continue to attack your motor!!!!

Ha ha ha @Steve, you might well be right there. Lmfao
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
I totally agree, it's absolute bollox!
If I had damaged anything when I was a kid, my parents would have been made to pay the bill, I would have got a darn good hiding from my Dad and my pocket money would have been stopped until I had paid my parents back. That defintely would have been enough to stop me doing anything again, not that I ever damaged anyones property, I have always had the upmost respect for other peoples property.
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Yep. My Mums favourite saying used to be , "Just wait until your Father gets home!" that was enough to have me bricking it all day, and it didn't mater how good I was from that saying onwards, I still got it when he came home. lol
  Der Panzer
Scum. Sorry there that matey. I'm actually looking forward to catchig someone at my motor. Last time I caught some kids at the old 182 they were stealing the dust caps ffs. I roared at the little b******s and they ran like f**k.

When I had my old Cavalier I made the mistake of leaving it unlocked overnight. Needless to say the didn't bother nicking it, but they did take a couple of CD's and a road atlas.

I take my hat off to them though. They stole ALL the fuses from the fuse box, it was midwinter so no heating, lights or wipers for my 0630 start. I was pissed for a split second and then laughed my head off; they'd done that just to piss me off.
crafty sods. I get scrotes nickin my valve caps for their bikes. Caught one teenager doing it, he denied it point blank so i took his bike til he came to his senses!
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Ha ha ha, nice one Steve. I've now got those locking valve caps, makes it a 'little' bit harder for the little sh*ts! ;)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
DynamiqueDebz said:
Oh, forgot to say. I told the police I would physically restrain the little gits whilst I called the police for them to come and give him a ticking off. I was told that if I did that I could get done for 'potentail kidnapping'. :eek:


What friggin state has this country let itself get into, eh? No one has any standards, morals or sense of decency anymore. The little b******s should made to feel 110% worthless, maybe strip them naked while the victims of their petty crimes pelt them with eggs and then be made to walk home afterwards. Then, when they get home, be handed over the invoice for the repairs to the victim's car.

Of course, any self-respecting, tree-hugging, lentil-munching, one-armed lesbian from Liberty would probably have a cardiac arrest reading that. Maybe instead, we should take them to McDonalds and discuss their 'issues' over a Happy Meal. If that fails to work, lets just pack them off (with 20 or so other little b******s) to some rehab clinic in the middle of Utah and let the tax payer fork out the $5,000 per day fee.

These idiots simply fail to see the failure of their own system. Be bad = get rewarded. I personally think every home owner should be given a tazer to zap the little sods with.

"Feck with our cars - get 20,000 volts in your ass." :cool:

  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Lmfao @ "Feck with our cars - get 20,000 volts in your ass."
Top class idea! ;)

Steve; I find them hard to get off with the key too, that's even better as far as I am concerned, should definitely stop them getting nicked, although I wouldn't put it passed the little s***s to give my car a swift kick as I have made it difficult for them. You just can't win really.
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
That's very true too. I think I read on here somewhere that some poor guy came back to his car after leaving his car in a car park whilst shopping, only to find someone had tried to get his wheel off, had removed three nuts and had tried to hack through his locking nut. b******s!
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Me neither, but that's because people like you and me have a conscience and were brought up to respect the fact that if you want something, you save up or work for it. These little sh*ts take things purely because they want them and know you can't touch them. No respect and no conscience.
They sytem is all wrong, it gives the criminal rights and the victims 'nothing'! :mad:
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
t***s yeah just polished my sport last week and some idiot in pub car park put a scrape on my side skirt of all places..
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Aww bloody hell, sorry to hear that barker. Some people really should learn how to handle their cars without bashing into others. I really don't know how some people managed to pass their tests, as it's plainly obvious they just can't drive! I hope you can sort it easily and cheaply. f*****s!!!
have something nice and people always ruin it! i picked up my 06 clio from dealership and as i was driving it home a bloody bus hit my wing mirror and broke it.


feelin ur pain!
  Engles Mummy
barker said:
tw*ts yeah just polished my sport last week and some idiot in pub car park put a scrape on my side skirt of all places..

lol this is why I don't wash my car...such a waste of time.
  RenaultSport clio 182
it makes me really mad how people can do stuff like that to only peoples cars where i used to work somone put a big dent in my car and put a big nail in the side of the tyer that pissed me off i have also been forced off the road buy someone that drove at me he turned at the last second hit my wing mirror off and his i couldnt go after him cos my car was stuck in mud but his wing mirror was in one pice so i smashed it then i saw him drive past my work later that day and for the next few days so we found out where he lived and got him back also my girlfriend at the time had just got her new mini and some asshole keyed her car they said its gonna cost £400 to fix that .
people do this kinda stuff cos they dont like you having what they cant have .
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Subway said:
lol this is why I don't wash my car...such a waste of time.

I really want to wash mine, she's soooo grubby now, but we aren't allowed unless it's absolutely needed. :dapprove:
