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Baffles ...


  LY 200
Been told they have gone in my cat back magnex ... :dapprove:

Anyone got any advice they can give me as I have phoned the place it was bought from and they more or less told me to f*ck off cause I wasn't the original purchaser :dapprove:

The original purchaser didn't fill in the details on the warranty card and send them back so I can't even ask him if I drove down would he take it in to get fixed etc ..

Totally gutted, just seems to be one thing after the other .. luv my car to bits but wish I had just kept it standard ...

  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z
Thats a bit odd :S I was under the impression that the warranty was transferable....also, i've never had to fill out a warranty card.


  LY 200
The only proof I have of where it was bought is a piece of card that you have to fill your details in on when you bought it .. you keep one part and send the other away ..

They just fobbed me off on the phone and I don't know what to do :(


  LY 200
No Gary I havn't and I would even know where to start ...:eek:

fmp .. cheers for that .. I think the reason I posted was for help on how to get my current exhaust fixed .. not for advice to start saving up for another ..:rolleyes: lol

Maz :D
  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z
01773 876330

Tibshelf, Derbyshire
United Kingdom, DE55 5NH

Tell them you purchased it a while ago and that the retailer isn't being very helpful....dont let on its 2nd hand and tell them you cant remember the name of the place u purchased it if they asked....perhaps tell them it was a gift?? I dunno, tbh they should sort it out for you no probs. Let me know how you get on :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
i had this with my magnex too, the middle section developed the 4k rattle :eek: , so stuck it on ebay, only lost 50 notes and i had 6 moths use out of it!!;)


  LY 200
Thank you Gary that is really helpful, I will ring on Monday and let you know how I get on ..

gt gaz .. thats what it is over 4k and its off .. must be a normal fault with them .. :(



I had this with a 172 exhaust, magnex, and sold it on......

They wont do anything as its not been registered. They have to be regsitered... shame because if its lifetime it should be exactly that.


ClioSport Club Member

sorry to hear this Maz

are the Magnex re-packable?

I agree with Adam though, lifetime should mean lifetime...whether you filled out a piece of paper or not!


I had exactly the same with my Magnex on the 172. Thanks to y0z who thrashed it and destroyed mine. lol

I just left it, although it was a bit loud and boomy on the motorway.

Don't they have a lifetime warranty? I remember sending my warranty card off.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
^^^ Yes they do.

Magnex Direct will help out.... call them :)

Great service from them when i had a few problems.
  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z
I reakon they'll sort it for you maz :) If I were you i'd play it up bigstyle and say stuff along the lines of you've always bought their exhaust systems and have been very happy but you're dissapointed on this occasion and have lost confidence etc etc ;) lol


  LY 200
fmp .. and your point is ??? ffs it was on the car when I bought it .. if you havn't got anything constructive to say don't say it please (thats what the rules say) ... and tbh you are getting on my nerves ..

Thanks you to everyone who has made constructive comments and especially to the people who offered me advise as that was why I posted this thread .. not to be slated around "you get what you pay for" cocky comments ...

Maz :)
  RenaultSport clio 182
i only just fitted my magnex cat back system, quite pleased, thought it might be louder. anyway. i got it from R-Tec and i had no warranty card supplied or any paper work to send off so surely u have a case. just kick up dude. they will fink u r a pain but u will get wot u want!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Gary G said:
I reakon they'll sort it for you maz :) If I were you i'd play it up bigstyle and say stuff along the lines of you've always bought their exhaust systems and have been very happy but you're dissapointed on this occasion and have lost confidence etc etc ;) lol

tis strange though, i've had a cat back on a nova :eek: , cat back on punto gt :evil: (evil things) and never had a problem with any excepton the clio :S


  LY 200
gt_gaz said:
tis strange though, i've had a cat back on a nova :eek: , cat back on punto gt :evil: (evil things) and never had a problem with any excepton the clio :S

I have been told by three different garages now that that is what it is .. :dapprove: I thought it was strange too tbh as even if it was fitted to the car as soon as the first owner bought it, would only make it 12 months old ..

I thought it was the heat shield at first but its not ..

Maz :D


  LY 200
Anything after the cat ... lol it includes the intermidiate expansion section (I think) and the back box

Maz :)


  LY 200
Been on the phone and they have told me that without any proof of purchase there is nothing at all that they can do :(

Gutted ..

  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z
That sucks Maz!! Dont stand for it! Tell them you are greatly dissapointed in their aftersales and that you will never buy another magnex system again! Also, tell them that you'll tell your friends (all of CS!! lol) never to buy one.

Bunch of jokers!!! Did you use the 'gift line' btw? ....Ring them back and talk to someone else lol


  LY 200
^^ yeah I used the gift line .. can't be botherd fighting yet again Gary .. its the same every where at the moment take your money and run .. feckers .. looks like next months wages are going on new exhaust :(

Thanks for your help guys



  182 Cup
As Gary said tell them your a member of cliosport, they should soon be quick to help.
Maz phone them back, Its not good enough that they arent going to sort it and I'm sure that this thread will put a lot of people off them if they dont sort it for you.


  LY 200
I can't be bothered fighting with them ... phoned demon tweeks and they said if the baffles have gone you need a new exhaust .. :( great ........

When I get angry I get upset .. lol silly but true .. and its even harder when I don't really know what I am talking about .. lol

  182>FRS>VX220 now 350Z
Hey Maz chin up :)

...Magnex= arseholes!!

Get your dad to phone up i'm sure he could sort it! (no offence, just think they are trying to get away with it as you are female!) He was the ones that bought it for you remember ;) lol. Unfortunately he's misplaced the receipt and cant remember where he bought it from.

Please dont give up Maz, its disgusting behaviour on magnex's behalf imo!

