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Balls, mates car has gone again... different way, urgent help!

Mates golf has though wobbling probs whilst driving a few weeks back... turned out one of his gearbox bolts had sheared off in the gearbox leaving the plates to wobble or something. Anyway they rebuilt his gearbox and replaced the bolts and job was a goodun, no more problems. UNTIL this morning... he's current;y waiting for a tow from essex where he's stuck... Car starts, drop clutch engages gear, raises clutch and feathers throttle but no bite, car just revs... i've asked h im if it stalls if he raises it all the way he says no.

Is this the box? or the clutch? surely if it was the box it would have ceased? though if it was the clutch surely it wouldnt go into gear?

Any ideas?

Dunno what setup the Golfs are running but could just be something simple like clutch cable snapped/popped off the release arm or not clipped in properly.
if so though surely the car would not allow him to engage a gear whilst on? It would just crunch and grind?
  Arctic Blue FF 182
Had this on my clio, differential pin or something had gone. gearbox rebuild time maybe again?
  1.6 focus zetec....
Had this on my clio and i'd destroyed the clutch.... The RAC chap was wiping his finger along the bottom of the engine somwhere and pulling out bits of clutch :S
  Arctic Blue FF 182
only got rebuilt two weeks ago

if im right (i could easily be wrong) on the clio the diff pin is held in by a clip kinda piece, what happened with mine was the bit that held the clip in broke so the diff pin span but didn't transfer the power the the shafts. If the golf box is similar, maybe the clip has come off or something, maybe not put on 100% in the rebuild the other weak. Does he rag his box a bit?haha
I have a Mk2 golf 2.0 16v which has thrown the diff pin 3 times with what sound like the same result. If the engine is modded it is a common problem. Mine had 169bhp atw and was resolved long term by fitting a quaife lsd.
  LY 182
clutch needs bleeding is my bet, very common
you wouldnt loose drive it just wouldnt disengage.
plus i dont know about older golfs but i know up untill mk3s use cables and the gearboxes are next to useless.
  audi a3 1.8t sport
what engine is in it it sounds like the duelmass flyweel is fcuked i work at skoda and we have lods of problems with the flyweels on the diesel's
