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basic 172 stereo question!

  Mk II silver 172
If I take out the original stereo (mk2) to put a kenwood mp3 in, is it a straight swap (simple plug the blocks in)? I know you will need an adaptor to make the stalk controls work but what about the original display? Couldnt find the answers for a 172 in search function! Thanks
  Clio 172mk2
u need a wiring adapter wich just plugs in , (thats apart of the remote adapter), then the adapter so the diplay will show kenwood.
  Mk II silver 172
I have been on the autoleads site and for a clio 02-05 it says that they have a stalk control (which i know i will need to get eventually to keep that working) and a cellular interface but says a harness adaptor is not needed. So who is right? Is it just a case of unpluggling the old one and connecting the iso blocks (is this the connection they use from standard?)to my mp3 player (obviously no remote then) ? Reason i need a quick answer is my standard stereo has the code missing. The one renault are providing doesnt seem to work so want to get it swapped asap! Thanks
yeah - it is a straight swap mate - upplug the original and whack the new one in - no extra wires needed - did mine a few weeks ago - took 5 mins!
