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Battery / Alt

:) i have a hell of a lot of ICE connected to my car now :) it was making the standard 1.2 battery flat with in hours ( even with every thing turned off )

so i have put another battery where the jack use to be connect to my normal battery with 4 awg wirein.

just need a lil info ?? will this f**k my alt up will my alt burn out ??
is the alt charging them both ???


(change the standard 1.2 battery to a 1.9 Discel battery and the 2rd battery is the standard 1.2 one )
  Polo + Micra
no it will be fine

you could put a split charge relay in and run everything off your second batt til it goes flat and you will still be able to start your car
yer might do am i right in saying . that the alt will charge them both ? when ones full the other will charge?


your need to place a fuse within five inches of each positive also run a split charge otherwise when the aux battery has been flattened it will drain your main battery you can isolate the 2nd when running your sounds then link them together for charging.
either add a 150amp isolator switch if you have a good memory or theres the automatic way using a relay just make sure you use the alternator as the switched power so the batteries are only ever linked when being charged;)its also a good idea to use spiral cell gel batteries in split charging systems as they can be mounted anywhere without leaking and can charge and discharge a lot quicker


Rob_887 said:
the Live from the batterys is only about 2 meters could i just place one fuse in the middle?

well if the system was to short out the lenght of wire between the terminal anf fuse will either melt of worse case scenario set light thats's why you keep the distance between the two as short as possible do you want a fire under your bonnet also in such systems its wise to fuse both ends;)
OK :) can you please explain the "split charge switch" how does it work ?? where do i connect it have you got a link to one :) many thanks mate


the switch is simple it just open and closes the link between the two batteries it does'nt matter if your running 1 or 20 aux batteries the auxillaries must be isolated from the main so you have the power there for starting and running the cars other equiptment,just make sure the system is suitably fused the manual switch is simply an isolator switch (150amp esential) you simply turn it on and off to link the batteries then you have a relay which is the automatic way (electromagnetic switch) the power cable link runs in then out whilst being earthed and having a swiched power so obviously the batteries are not always linked the best switched power is the alternator so the batteries are only ever linked when being charged so if you have a memory lapse the main will not become drained;)
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Be careful putting batteries inside the passenger compartment. ALL batteries gas when charging. The word "sealed" refers to the electrolite not the gas. So called "leisure" batteries (deep cycle) are better for running car audio as they charge and discharge at more constant rates, unlike a normal car battery which is designed to discharge rapidly as when the starter is engaged, and charge up faster to recover. Amps like to see a smoother power curve. You can buy heavy duty relays for split charging from caravan supply shops and they will come with the correct diodes and wiring instructions. Or you can pay 20 times the price for the same thing with a gold finish and a name that suggests you have a bigger p---s than everyone else. If you dont understand fully what you are doing, buy a good fire extinguisher and a pair of running shoes. Or get some professional help.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I just had a quick look on Feebay and if you type in "split charge relay" there are a selection of suitable relays. I would go for the Lucas one item #300026859065 or the Boss one if you want to spend a bit more and get it now. Good luck. If you need any help calculating power requirements and cable losses, let me know.....Regards......Brian:cool:
